Lussier,Robert N

Human resource management: functions, applications, skill development/ Robert N Lussier & John R Hendon - Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2013. - pxxix, 588 p.

Part 1. 21st Century Human Resource Management Strategic Planning and Legal Issues : --
1. The New Human Resource Management Process --
2. Strategy-Driven Human Resource Management --
3. The Legal Environment and Diversity Management --
Part 2. Staffing : --
4. Matching Employees and Jobs --
Job Analysis and Design --
5. Recruiting Job Candidates --
6. Selecting New Employees --
Part 3. Developing and Managing : --
7. Training, Learning, Talent Management and Development --
8. Performance Management and Appraisal --
9. Rights and Employee Management --
10. Employee and Labor Relations --
Part 4. Compensating : --
11. Compensation Management --
12. Incentive Pay --
13. Employee Benefits --
Part 5. Protecting and Expanding Organizational Reach : --
14. Workplace Safety, Health, and Security --
15. Organizational Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility --
16. Global Issues for Human Resource Managers. Part 1. 21st Century Human Resource Management Strategic Planning and Legal Issues : --
1. The New Human Resource Management Process --
Why Study Human Resource Management (HRM)? --
HRM Past and Present --
21st Century HRM --
HRM Skills --
Line Managers' HRM Responsibilities --
HR Managers' Responsibilities: Disciplines Within HRM --
HRM Careers --
Practitioner's Model for HRM --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
2. Strategy-Driven Human Resource Management --
Strategy and strategic planning in the 21st century --
The External Environment --
Strategy --
Structure --
Culture --
An Introduction to Data Analytics for HRM --
Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) --
Measurement tools for strategic HRM --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
3. The Legal Environment and Diversity Management --
The Legal Environment for HRM --
Protecting Your Organization --
A User's Guide to Managing People --
The OUCH Test --
Major Employment Laws --
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) --
EEO, Affirmative Action and Diversity --
What's the Difference? --
Sexual Harassment --
A Special Type of Discrimination --
Religious Discrimination --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
Part 2. Staffing : --
4. Matching Employees and Jobs --
Job Analysis and Design --
Employee and Job Matching --
Workflow Analysis --
Job Analysis --
Job Design/Redesign --
Designing Motivational Jobs --
HR Forecasting --
Reconciling internal labor supply and demand --
Succession Planning --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
5. Recruiting Job Candidates --
The Recruiting Process --
Organizational Recruiting Considerations --
Internal or External Recruiting? --
Challenges and Constraints in Recruiting --
Evaluation of Recruiting Programs --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
6. Selecting New Employees --
The Selection Process --
Looking for "Fit" --
Uniform Guidelines on Employment Selection Procedures --
Applications and Preliminary Screening --
Testing and Legal Issues --
Selection Interviews --
Background Checks --
Selecting the Candidate and Offering the Job --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
Part 3. Developing and Managing : --
7. Training, Learning, Talent Management and Development --
The Need for Training and Development --
The Training Process and Needs Assessment --
Learning and Shaping Behavior --
Design and Delivery of Training --
Assessing Training --
Talent Management and Development --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
8. Performance Management and Appraisal --
Performance Management Systems --
Why Do We Conduct Performance Appraisals? --
What Do We Assess? --
How Do We Use Appraisal Methods and Forms? --
Who Should Assess Performance? --
Performance Appraisal Problems --
Debriefing the Appraisal --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
9. Rights and Employee Management --
Managing and Leading Your Workforce --
Commonly Accepted Employee Rights --
Management Rights --
Coaching, Counseling and Discipline --
Leadership, Management and Change --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
10. Employee and Labor Relations --
Labor Relations: A Function of Trust and Communication --
Job Satisfaction --
Legal Issues in Labor Relations --
Unions and Labor Rights --
Management Rights and Decertification Elections --
Managing Conflict --
Negotiations --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
Part 4. Compensating : --
11. Compensation Management --
Compensation Management --
Organizational Philosophy --
Legal and Fairness Issues in Compensation --
Job Evaluation --
Developing a Pay System --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
12. Incentive Pay --
Why Do We Use Incentive Pay? --
Individual or Group-based Incentives? --
Options for Individual Incentives --
Options for Group Incentives --
Failure, Challenges, and Guidelines in Creating Incentive Pay Systems --
Executive Compensation --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
13. Employee Benefits --
Statutory Benefits --
Voluntary Benefits --
Administration and Communication of Benefits --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
Part 5. Protecting and Expanding Organizational Reach : --
14. Workplace Safety, Health, and Security --
Workplace Safety and OSHA --
Employee Health --
Stress --
Workplace Security --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
15. Organizational Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility --
Ethical Organizations --
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) --
Sustainability --
Trends and Issues in HRM --
16. Global Issues for Human Resource Managers --
Globalization of Business and HRM --
Legal, Ethical and Cultural Issues --
Global Staffing --
Developing and Managing Global Human Resources --
Compensating Your Global Workforce --
Trends and Issues in HRM.


Personnel management.

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