Ofek, Itzhak

Bacterial adhesion to animal cells and tissues/ Itzhak Ofek, David L. Hasty, & Ron J. Doyle - Washington, D.C: ASM Press, 2003. - x, 416 p.

Table of ContentsChapter 1. Basic Concepts in Bacterial Adhesion Chapter 2. Methodological Approaches to Analysis of Adhesins and AdhesionChapter 3. Target Tissues for Bacterial AdhesionChapter 4. Adhesins as Bacterial Cell Surface Structures: General Concepts of Structure, Biogenesis, and RegulationChapter 5. Emerging Concepts in Bacterial Adhesion and Its ConsequencesChapter 6. Diversification of Receptor Specificities and Its Biological ConsequencesChapter 7. Entry of Bacteria into Nonphagocytic CellsChapter 8. Postadhesion Events Induced in Nonphagocytic CellsChapter 9. Adhesion-Dependent Upregulation of Bacterial GenesChapter 10. Role of Adhesion in Biofilm FormationChapter 11. Antiadhesion TherapyChapter 12. Adhesins, Receptors, and Target Substrata Involved in the Adhesion of Pathogenic Bacteria to Host Cells and Tissues


Bacterias -- Adhesividad.

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