Vandeveer, Donald

The environmental ethics & policy book/ Donald Vandeveer - 3rd.ed. - Australia: Wadsworth cengage learning, 2003. - 674 P. PB

1. Moral Argument and Ethical Theory 1
1.1 Distinguishing Moral and Empirical Claims 1
1.2 Justification, Explanation, Prediction, and Description 5
1.3 Moral Argument; The Interplay of Moral and Empirical Claims 7
1.4 Harm and Benefit 11
1.5 Evaluating Ethical Theories 14
2. Influential Ethical Ideas and Theories 16
2.1 From Ethical Egoism to Social Darwinism 16
2.2 The Divine Command Theory 18
2.3 Rights Theories 20
2.4 Utilitarianism 24
2.5 Utilitarianism and Economic Theory 27
2.6 Natural Law Theory 30
2.7 The Influence of Kant 33
2.8 Environmental Justice 34
2.9 The Idea of a Unique Environmental Ethic 37
3. Preview 43
4. The Historic Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, Lynn White, Jr. 52
5. For God So Loved the World, The Reverend Dr. Andrew Linzey 58
6. Judaism and the Environment, Robert Gordis 62
7. Stewardship versus Exploitation, Robin Attfield 66
8. The World as God's Body, Sallie McFague 71
9. Of God and Pelicans, Jay B. McDaniel 89
10. Everyone Needs a Stone: Alternative Views of Nature, Nina Rosenstand 99
11. Traditional Ecological Knowledge, R. E. Johannes 109
12. Why Bad Things Have Happened to Good Creatures, David P. Barash 111
13. Preview 114
14. Good Natured—The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and
Other Animals, Frans de Waal 122
15. Animal Liberation, Peter Singer 135
16. The Case for Animal Rights, Tom Regan 143
17. Interspecific Justice,DonaldVanVeVeer 150
18. The Prospects for Consensus and Convergence in the
Animal Rights Debate, Gary E. Varner 163
19. The Little Things That Run the World, Edward O. Wilson 169
20. Sidelight: Parachuting Cats and Interconnectedness 172
A. The Broader, Biotic Community 174
21. Preview 174
22. On Being Morally Considerable, Kenneth E. Goodpaster 183
23. Should Trees Have Standing?—Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects,
Christopher D. Stone 189
24. The Ethics of Respect for Nature, Paul W. Taylor 201
25. The Land Ethic, Aldo Leopold 215
26. The Conceptual Foundations of the Land Ethic, J. Baird Callicott 224
27. Marine Environmental Ethics, Elliot Norse 238
28. Integration or Reduction: Two Approaches to Environmental Values,
Bryan G. Norton 240
B. Deep Ecology and Social Ecology 259
29. Preview 259
30. Deep Ecology, Bill Devall and George Sessions 263
31. Self-Realization: An Ecological Approach to Being in the World, Arne Naess
32. Will Ecology Become "The Distnal Science?", Murray Bookchin 273
33. Sidelight: Do What's Natural, You Say? 277
C. Ecofeminism 279
34. Preview 279
35. The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism, Karen J. Warren 282
36. Development, Ecology, and Women, Vandana Shiva 296
37. How Feminist Is Ecofeminism?, Victoria Davion 303
A. Letting the Market Decide 311
38. Preview 311
39. The Ethical Basis of the Economic Viezv of the Environment,
A. Myrick Freeman III 318
40. At the Shrine of Our Lady ofFdtima, or Why Political Questions Are Not
All Economic, Mark Sagoff 327
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis 336
41. Preview 336
42. Cost-Benefit Analysis: An Ethical Critique, Steven Kelman 341
43. Cost-Benefit Analysis Defended, Herman B. Leonard and
Richard J. Zeckhauser 347
44. Sidelight: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Tool for All Seasons? 350
45. Earth in the Balance Sheet, Robert Repetto 352
C. From the Commons to Property 359
46. Preview 359
47. The Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin 364
48. The Tragedy of Enclosure, George Monbiot 373
49. The Creation of Property, John Locke 374
50. Property Rights in Natural Resources, Kristin Shrader-Frechette 377
51. Takings, Just Compensation, and the Environment, Mark Sagoff 378
D. Human Population and Pressure on "Resources" 389
52. Preview 389
53. An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Robert Malthus 397
54. Sidelight: If Earth Could Speak 401
55. Lifeboat Ethics, Garrett Hardin 402
56. Can the Supphj of Natural Resources Reaihj Be Infinite? Yes!, Julian Simon 408
57. Population, Poverty and the Local Environment, Partha S. Dasgupta 414
E. Future Generations and Sustainability Questions 419
58. Preview 419
59. Future Getierafions, Ernest Partridge 428
60. Sidelight: The Nuclear Train to the Future, Richard (Routley) Sylvan
and Val (Routley) Plumwood 436
61. Sustainability: An Economist's Perspective, Robert M. Solow 438
62. Sustainability, Robert E. Goodin 443
A. Preserving Biodiversity 451
63. Preview 451
64. The Diversity of Life, E. O. Wilson 459
65. What Is a Species?, Stephen Jay Gould 465
66. Why Do Species Matter?, Lilly-Marlene Russow 469
67. Why Species Matter, Holmes Rolston III 476
B. Food and Agriculture 484
68. Preview 484
69. A Plant's-Eye Viezu of the World, Michael Pollan 491
70. Patenting Life, Claudia Mills 496
71. Briite-Force Genetic Engineering, Stephen R.Paluwibi 498
72. Genes in the Food!, Richard Lewontin 502
73. Nature as the Measure for a Sustainable Agriculture, Wes Jackson 508
74. What's in the Meat, Eric SMosser 516
C. Wilderness and Forests 519
75. Preview 519
76. Radical American Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation:
A Third World Critique, Ramachandra Guha 521
77. Tropical Forests and Their Species: Going. Going . . . ?, Norman Myers 529
78. The Mismanagement of the National Forests, Perri Knize 534
79. Forest Service Policy, Bryan G. Norton 543
D. Corporate Responsibility 546
80. Preview 546
81. Environmental Racism, Karl Grossman 550
82. Consumption and the Environment, Herman E. Daly 555
83. Consumption as a Theme in the North-South Dialogue, Luis N. Camacho 556
84. The Chainsaivs of Greed: The Case of Pacific Lumber, Lisa H. Newton 559
85. W/jy Shouldn't Corporations Be Socially Responsible?, Cluistopher Stone 571
86. "I Am No Greenpeacer, But.. or Environmentalism, Risk Communication, and the
Loioer Middle Class, Mark Sagoff 575
E. Sliding to Global Catastrophe 587
87. Preview 587
88. Silent Spring, Rachel Carson 595
89. The Case That the World Has Reached Limits, Robert Goodland 598
90. The Climate-Change Debacle: The Perils of Politicizing Science,
Patrick J. Michaels 607
91. 71 Rcsyo/jsc, Christopher Flavin 615
92. Climate Change Science, The National Academy of Sciences 620
93. Sidelight: Let's Transform the Military, David Suzuki 622
94. Preview 625
95. Strategic Monkeywrenching, Dave Foreman 628
96. The Sea Shepherds: Bringing Justice to the High Seas, Rik Scarce 632
97. An Apologia for Activism: Global Responsibility, Ethical Advocacy,
and Environmental Problems, Kristin Shrader-Frechette 634
98. Involuntary Simplicity: Changing Dysfuttctional Habits of Conswnption,
Guy Claxton 643
99. Sidelight: A Resistance Movement of One's Own 648
100. Glossary 650
101. Time Chart 656
102. Internet and Other Environmental Resources 657
103. Bibliography 659


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