Rodrigues Jr,Edson Beas

The General Exception Clauses of the TRIPS Agreement/ Promoting Sustainable Development Jr,Edson Beas Rodrigues - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 365 p.

Part I. Determining the Normative Meaning of the General Exception Clauses of the TRIPS Agreement: 1. The customary rules of treaty interpretation and the elements in light of which the general exception clauses of TRIPS shall be interpreted; 2. Determining the normative meaning of arts. 17, 26(2) and 30 of the TRIPS Agreement; 3. Determining the normative meaning of arts. 13 of the TRIPS Agreement and 9(2) of the Berne Convention; Part II. Putting to the Test the Capacity of the General Exception Clauses of the TRIPS Agreement to Promote the Pillars of Sustainable Development: 4. Patents and the R&D and the Genetic Diagnostic Test Exceptions; 5. Trademarks and the Parody and Criticism Exception; 6. Industrial designs and the Repair Exception; 7. Copyright and the Educational Exception for Underprivileged Students and Researchers.


Underprivileged Students and Researchers.

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