TY - BOOK AU - Tanenbaum, Andrew S. TI - Distributed system: principles and paradigms SN - 9788120334984I (pb) U1 - 004.36 PY - 2010/// CY - New Delhi PB - PHI learning KW - Personal computers N1 - 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 DEHNITION OF A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM 2 1.2 GOALS 3 1.2.1 Making Resources Accessible 3 1.2.2 Distribution Transparency 4 1.2.3 Openness 7 1.2.4 Scalability 9 1.2.5 Pitfalls 16 1.3 TYPES OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 17 1.3.1 Distributed Computing Systems 17 1.3.2 Distributed Information Systems 20 1.3.3 Distributed Pervasive Systems 24 1.4 SUMMARY 30 2 ARCHITECTURES 2.1 ARCHITECTURAL STYLES 34 2.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES 36 2.2.1 Centralized Architectures 36 2.2.2 Decentralized Architectures 43 2.2.3 Hybrid Architectures 52 2.3 ARCHITECTURES VERSUS MIDDLEWARE 54 2.3.1 Interceptors 55 2.3.2 General Approaches to Adaptive Software 57 2.3.3 Discussion 58 vii 2.4 SELF-MANAGEMENT IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 59 2.4.1 The Feedback Control Model 60 2.4.2 Example; Systems Monitoring with Astrolabe 61 2.4.3 Example: Differentiating Replication Strategies in Globule 63 2.4.4 Example: Automatic Component Repair Management in Jade 65 2.5 SUMMARY 66 3 PROCESSES 3.1 THREADS 70 3.1.1 Introduction to Threads 70 3.1.2 Threads in Distributed Systems 75 3.2 VIRTUALIZATION 79 3.2.1 The Role of Virtualization in Distributed Systems 79 3.2.2 Architectures of Virtual Machines 80 3.3 CLIENTS 82 3.3.1 Networked User Interfaces 82 3.3.2 Client-Side Software for Distribution Transparency 87 3.4 SERVERS 88 3.4.1 General Design Issues 88 3.4.2 Server Clusters 92 3.^.3 Managing Server Clusters 98 3.5 CODE MIGRATION 103 3.5.1 Approaches to Code Migration 103 3.5.2 Migration and Local Resources 107 3.5.3 Migration in Heterogeneous Systems 110 3.6 SUMMARY 112 4 COMMUNICATION 4.1 FUNDAMENTALS 116 4.1.1 Layered Protocols 116 4.1.2 Types of Communication 124 4.2 remote procedure CALL 125 4.2.1 Basic RPC Operation 126 4.2.2 Parameter Passing 130 CONTENTS 4.2.3 Asynchronous RFC 134 4.2.4 Example: DCE RFC 135 4.3 MESSAGE-ORIENTED COMMUNICATION 140 4.3.1 Message-Oriented Transient Communication 141 4.3.2 Message-Oriented Fersistent Communication 145 4.3.3 Example: IBM's WebSphere Message-Queuing System 152 4.4 STREAM-ORIENTED COMMUNICATION 157 4.4.1 Support for Continuous Media 158 4.4.2 Streams and Quality of Service 160 4.4.3 Stream Synchronization 163 4.5 MULTICAST COMMUNICATION 166 4.5.1 Application-Level Multicasting 166 4.5.2 Gossip-Based Data Dissemination 170 4.6 SUMMARY 175 5 NAMING 5.1 NAMES, IDENTIFIERS, AND ADDRESSES 180 5.2 FLAT NAMING 182 5.2.1 Simple Solutions 183 5.2.2 Home-Based Approaches 186 5.2.3 Distributed Hash Tables 188 5.2.4 Hierarchical Approaches 191 5.3 STRUCTURED NAMING 195 5.3.1 Name Spaces 195 5.3.2 Name Resolution 198 5.3.3 The Implementation of a Name Space 202 5.3.4 Example: The Domain Name System 209 5.4 ATTRIBUTE-BASED NAMING 217 5.4.1 Directory Services 217 5.4.2 Hierarchical Implementations: LDAF 218 5.4.3 Decentralized Implementations 222 5.5 SUMMARY 6 SYNCHRONIZATION 6.1 CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION 232 6.1.1 Physical Clocks 233 6.1.2 Global Positioning System 236 6.1.3 Clock Synchronization Algorithms 238 6.2 LOGICAL CLOCKS 244 6.2.1 Lamport's Logical Clocks 244 6.2.2 Vector Clocks 248 6.3 MUTUAL EXCLUSION 252 6.3.1 Overview 252 6.3.2 A Centralized Algorithm 253 6.3.3 A Decentralized Algorithm 254 6.3.4 A Distributed Algorithm 255 6.3.5 A Token Ring Algorithm 258 6.3.6 A Comparison of the Four Algorithms 259 6.4 GLOBAL POSITIONING OF NODES 260 6.5 ELECTION ALGORITHMS 263 6.5.1 Traditional Election Algorithms 264 6.5.2 Elections in Wireless Environments 267 6.5.3 Elections in Large-Scale Systems 269 6.6 SUMMARY 270 7 CONSISTENCY AND REPLICATION 7.1 INTRODUCTION 274 7.1.1 Reasons for Replication 274 7.1.2 Replication as Scaling Technique 275 7.2 DATA-CENTRIC CONSISTENCY MODELS 276 7.2.1 Continuous Consistency 277 7.2.2 Consistent Ordering of Operations 281 7.3 CLIENT-CENTRIC CONSISTENCY MODELS 288 7.3.1 Eventual Consistency 289 7.3.2 Monotonic Reads 291 7.3.3 Monotonic Writes 292 7.3.4 Read Your Writes 294 7.3.5 Writes Follow Reads 295 7.4 REPLICA MANAGEMENT 296 7.4.1 Replica-Server Placement 296 7.4.2 Content Replication and Placement 298 7.4.3 Content Distribution 302 7.5 CONSISTENCY PROTOCOLS 306 7.5.1 Continuous Consistency 306 7.5.2 Primary-Based Protocols 308 7.5.3 Replicated-Write Protocols 311 7.5.4 Cache-Coherence Protocols 313 7.5.5 Implementing Client-Centric Consistency 315 7.6 SUMMARY 317 8 FAULT TOLERANCE 8.1 INTRODUCTION TO FAULT TOLERANCE 322 8.1.1 Basic Concepts 322 8.1.2 Failure Models 324 8.1.3 Failure Masking by Redundancy 326 8.2 PROCESS RESILIENCE 328 8.2.1 Design Issues 328 8.2.2 Failure Masking and Replication 330 8.2.3 Agreement in Faulty Systems 331 8.2.4 Failure Detection 335 8.3 RELIABLE CLIENT-SERVER COMMUNICATION 336 8.3.1 Point-to-Point Communication 337 8.3.2 RPC Semantics in the Presence of Failures 337 8.4 RELIABLE GROUP COMMUNICATION 343 8.4.1 Basic Reliable-Multicasting Schemes 343 8.4.2 Scalability in Reliable Multicasting 345 8.4.3 Atomic Multicast 348 8.5 DISTRIBUTED COMMIT 355 8.5.1 Two-Phase Commit 355 8.5.2 Three-Phase Commit 360 8.6 RECOVERY 363 8.6.1 Introduction 363 8.6.2 Checkpointing 366 8.6.3 Message Logging 369 8.6.4 Recovery-Oriented Computing 372 8.7 SUMMARY 373 9 SECURITY 9.1 INTRODUCTION TO SECURITY 378 9.1.1 Security Threats, Policies, and Mechanisms 378 9.1.2 Design Issues 384 9.1.3 Cryptography 389 9.2 SECURE CHANNELS 396 9.2.1 Authentication 397 9.2.2 Message Integrity and Confidentiality 405 9.2.3 Secure Group Communication 408 9.2.4 Example: Kerberos 411 9.3 ACCESS CONTROL 413 9.3.1 General Issues in Access Control 414 9.3.2 Firewalls 418 9.3.3 Secure Mobile Code 420 9.3.4 Denial of Service 427 9.4 SECURITY MANAGEMENT 428 9.4.1 Key Management 428 9.4.2 Secure Group Management 433 9.4.3 Authorization Management 434 9.5 SUMMARY 439 10 DISTRIBUTED OBJECT-BASED SYSTEMS 10.1 ARCHITECTURE 443 10.1.1 Distributed Objects 444 10.1.2 Example: Enterprise Java Beans 446 10.1.3 Example: Globe Distributed Shared Objects 448 10.2 PROCESSES 451 10.2.1 Object Servers 451 10.2.2 Example: The Ice Runtime System 454 10.3 COMMUNICATION 456 10.3.1 Binding a Client to an Object 456 10.3.2 Static versus Dynamic Remote Method Invocations 458 10.3.3 Parameter Passing 460 10.3.4 Example: Java RMI 461 10.3.5 Object-Based Messaging 464 10.4 NAMING 466 10.4.1 CORB A Object References 467 10.4.2 Globe Object References 469 10.5 SYNCHRONIZATION 470 10.6 CONSISTENCY AND REPLICATION 472 10.6.1 Entry Consistency 472 10.6.2 Replicated Invocations 475 10.7 FAULT TOLERANCE 477 10.7.1 Example: Fault-Tolerant CORB A 477 10.7.2 Example: Fault-Tolerant Java 480 10.8 SECURITY 481 10.8.1 Example: Globe 482 10.8.2 Security for Remote Objects 486 10.9 SUMMARY 487 11 DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS 11.1 ARCHITECTURE 491 11.1.1 Client-Server Architectures 491 11.1.2 Cluster-Based Distributed File Systems 496 11.1.3 Symmetric Architectures 499 11.2 PROCESSES 501 11.3 COMMUNICATION 502 11.3.1 RPCsinNFS 502 11.3.2 The RPC2 Subsystem 503 11.3.3 File-Oriented Communication in Plan 9 505 11.4 NAMING 506 11.4.1 Naming in NFS 506 11.4.2 Constructing a Global Name Space 512 11.5 SYNCHRONIZATION 513 11.5.1 Semantics of File Sharing 513 11.5.2 File Locking 516 11.5.3 Sharing Files in Coda 518 11.6 CONSISTENCY AND REPLICATION 519 11.6.1 Client-Side Caching 520 11.6.2 Server-Side Replication 524 11.6.3 Replication in Peer-to-Peer File Systems 526 11.6.4 File Replication in Grid Systems 528 11.7 FAULT TOLERANCE 529 11.7.1 Handling Byzantine Failures 529 11.7.2 High Availability in Peer-to-Peer Systems 531 11.8 SECURITY 532 11.8.1 Security in NFS 533 11.8.2 Decentralized Authentication 536 11.8.3 Secure Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Systems 539 11.9 SUMMARY 541 12 DISTRIBUTED WEB-BASED SYSTEMS 12.1 ARCHITECTURE 546 12.1.1 Traditional Web-Based Systems 546 12.1.2 Web Services 551 12.2 PROCESSES 554 12.2.1 Clients 554 12.2.2 The Apache Web Server 556 12.2.3 Web Server Clusters 558 12.3 COMMUNICATION 560 12.3.1 Hypertext Transfer Protocol 560 12.3.2 Simple Object Access Protocol 566 12.4 NAMING 567 12.5 SYNCHRONIZATION 569 12.6 CONSISTENCY AND REPLICATION 570 12.6.1 Web Proxy Caching 571 12.6.2 Replication for Web Hosting Systems 573 12.6.3 Replication of Web Applications 579 12.7 FAULT TOLERANCE 582 12.8 SECURITY 584 12.9 SUMMARY 585 13 DISTRIBUTED COORDINATION-BASED SYSTEMS 13.1 INTRODUCTION TO COORDINATION MODELS 589 13.2 ARCHITECTURES 591 13.2.1 Overall Approach 592 13.2.2 Traditional Architectures 593 13.2.3 Peer-to-Peer Architectures 596 13.2.4 Mobility and Coordination 599 13.3 PROCESSES 601 13.4 COMMUNICATION 601 13.4.1 Content-Based Routing 601 13.4.2 Supporting Composite Subscriptions 603 13.5 NAMING 604 13.5.1 Describing Composite Events 604 13.5.2 Matching Events and Subscriptions 606 13.6 SYNCHRONIZATION 607 13.7 CONSISTENCY AND REPLICATION 607 13.7.1 Static Approaches 608 13.7.2 Dynamic Replication 611 13.8 FAULT TOLERANCE 613 13.8.1 Reliable Publish-Subscribe Communication 613 13.8.2 Fault Tolerance in Shared Dataspaces 616 13.9 SECURITY 617 13.9.1 Confidentiality 618 13.9.2 Secure Shared Dataspaces 620 13.10 SUMMARY 621 14 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 14.1 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 623 14.1.1 Introduction and General Works 623 14.1.2 Architectures 624 14.1.3 Processes 625 14.1.4 Communication 626 14.1.5 Naming 626 14.1.6 Synchronization 627 14.1.7 Consistency and Replication 628 14.1.8 Fault Tolerance 629 14.1.9 Security 630 14.1.10 Distributed Object-Based Systems 631 14.1.11 Distributed File Systems 632 14.1.12 Distributed Web-Based Systems 632 14.1.13 Distributed Coordination-Based Systems 633 14.2 ALPHABETICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 634 ER -