The idea of home in law: displacement and dispossession/
edited by Lorna Fox O'Mahony, James A Sweeney
- Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.
- ix, 236 p.
The idea of home in law: displacement and dispossession, Lorna Fox O'Mahony and James A. Sweeney; Dispossession for arrears: the weight of home in English law, Susan Bright; Home as ownership, dispossession as foreclosure: the impact of the current crisis on the American model of 'home', Reshmi Dyal-Chand; Housing rights in the intersection between expropriation and eviction law, A.J. van der Walt; The displacement and dispossession of asylum seekers: recalibrating the legal perspective, James A. Sweeney and Lorna Fox O'Mahony; Can international housing rights based on public international law really impact on contemporary housing systems?, Padraic Kenna; The international law rights to home and homeland, Susan Breau; Loss of the home during armed conflict: ECHR case law on destruction, eviction and denial of access, Antoine Buyse; Re-thinking responses to displacement and dispossession, Lorna Fox O'Mahony and James A. Sweeney