Copyright / edited by Christopher S. Yoo - Cheltenham: Elger research collection, 2011. - 637 p.

PART I THE HISTORY OF COPYRIGHT 1. Tyler T. Ochoa and Mark Rose (2002), `The Anti-Monopoly Origins of the Patent and Copyright Clause'2. Thomas B. Nachbar (2005), `Monopoly, Mercantilism, and the Politics of Regulation'3. Paul M. Schwartz and William Michael Treanor (2003), `Eldred and Lochner: Copyright Term Extension and Intellectual Property as Constitutional Property'4. Peter Jaszi (1991), `Toward a Theory of Copyright: The Metamorphoses of "Authorship"'5. Oren Bracha (2008), `The Ideology of Authorship Revisited: Authors, Markets, and Liberal Values in Early American Copyright'PART II PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS 6. Justin Hughes (1988), `The Philosophy of Intellectual Property'7. Seana Valentine Shiffrin (2001), `Lockean Arguments for Private Intellectual Property'8. Jeanne L. Schroeder (2006), `Unnatural Rights: Hegel and Intellectual Property'PART III DEMOCRATIC THEORIES 9. Neil Weinstock Netanel (1996), `Copyright and Democratic Civil Society'10. Shyamkrishna Balganesh (2009), `Debunking Blackstonian Copyright'Volume Acknowledgements introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I PART I PUBLIC GOOD ECONOMICS, MONOPOLY AND PRICE DISCRIMINATION 1. William W. Fisher III (1988), `Reconstructing the Fair Use Doctrine. "Introduction" and "Chapter IV- Economic Analysis"'2. Michael J. Meurer (2001), `Copyright Law and Price Discrimination'3. Christopher S. Yoo (2004), `Copyright and Product Differentiation'4. Christopher S. Yoo (2007), `Copyright and Public Good Economics: A Misunderstood Relation'PART II TRANSACTION COSTS AND THE NEW INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS 5. Wendy J. Gordon (1982), `Fair Use as Market Failure: A Structural and Economic Analysis of the "Betamax" Case and its Predecessors'6. Robert P. Merges (1996), `Contracting into Liability Rules: Intellectual Property Rights and Collective Rights Organizations 7. Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky (2009), `The Evolution of Private and Open Access Property'8. Clarisa Long (2004), `Information Costs in Patent and Copyright'PART IV THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF COPYRIGHT 9. Jessica D. Litman (1987), `Copyright, Compromise, and Legislative History'10. Thomas B. Nachbar (2002), `Constructing Copyright's Mythology'11. Robert P. Merges (2000), `Intellectual Property Rights and the New Institutional Economics'


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