Federalism/ edited by Kincaid, John - 1st.ed. - Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, 2010. - V.3, 392p.

VOLUME 3: MODELS OF INDIVIDUALISM, COMMUNALISM, AND MULTINATIONALISM IN FEDERAL GOVERNANCE Federalism: Problems of scale Gordon Tullock Federalism's Values and the Value of FederalismS Federalism as an Ideal Political Order and an Objective for Constitutional Reform James Buchanan Robert Inman Does Federalism Matter? Political choice in a federal republic Susan Rose-Ackerman The Existence and Stability of Interjurisdictional Competition Albert Breton The Competitive Challenge to Cooperative Federalism: A theory of federal democracy John Kincaid Exit Rights under Federalism Richard Epstein Federalism and Freedom: A critique Franz Neumann Force and Federalism: Controlling coercion in federal hybrid regimes Brian Taylor An Iron Law of Nationalism and Federation? A (Neo-Diceyian) Theory of the Necessity of a Federal Staatsvolk and of Consociational Rescue Brendan O'Leary Federalism and Democracy: Beyond the U.S. model Alfred Stepan Democracy, Multinationalism and Federalism Juan Linz Minority Nationalism and Multination Federalism Will Kymlicka Towards a Philosophy of Federalism Wayne Norman Federalism, Liberalism, and the Separation of Loyalties Jacob Levy Divided We Stand: Institutional sources of ethnofederal survival and collapse Henry Hale Consociations of Fatherlands: The revival of confederal principles and practices Ivo Duchacek.


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