
Mixed media/ moral distinctions in advertising,public relations,and journalism Thomas Bivins, - 2nd ed. - New York: Routledge, 2009. - 312 p. PB

1 What is Media Ethics?
Ethics and the Act of Communication 1
Ethics or Morah? I
The Media and Morality 2
Moral Excuses 7
Ccin Personal Ethics Become Pro/essional Ethics? 8
Media Similarities; The Common Threads 9
Media Differences: A Coat of Many Colors II
Forming Ethical Standards for the Mass Media 15
Can the Media be EthicaF 19
2 Moral Claimants, Obligation, and Social Responsibility
Relations/ii/js among Media and their Claimains 22
Ethical Applications 24
What Does it All Mean? 30
3 The Media and Professionalism
Central Features 31
Secondary Features 32
Are the Media Professions? 32
The Professional-Client Relationship 38
Codes 47
Profession oersus Pro/essionalism; If It Wailcs like a Duck ... 54
4 Theoretical Approaches to Ethics
Wh)! Can't We All Be Right? The Dilemma of Relatioism 56
Wh}i We Reason the Wa;y We Do 59
Social Contract Theory 60
77ie Argwment over Mean5 and Ends 66
Non-consequential Ethical Theories 66
Conseqttential Ethical Theories 71
Virtue Ethics 76
The Ethic of Care 80
Free Speech Theories 86
Liberty-limiting Principles 94
Hoiv to Choose Applicable Theories 97
5 A Checklist for Ethical Decision Making
The Checlclisi JOO
An Example 106
What Does It All Mean.' Ill
6 Meta-issues Across the Media
To Tell the Truth 113
Truth and the Act of Communication 115
Can We Tell Truth From Fiction! 122
Avoiding Harm 125
What Does It All Mean! 133
7 Meta-issues in Public Relations and Advertising
What's the Difference between PR and Adiertising.' 135
Public Relations, Advertising, and the First Amendment 13?
Ethics and Persuasion 141
Propaganda versits Persuasion 146
What Does It Ail Mean! 151
8 Ethics and Public Relations
What is Public Relations! 152
Ethical Approaches Specific to Public Relations 158
Special Issues in Public Relations Ethics 167
What Does It All Mean! 184
9 Ethics and Advertising
What Is Adi'crtising! 186
Ethical Approaches Specific to Advertising 188
Special Issues in Advertising Ethics 196
Further Use of the Means-Ends Paradigm in Advertising 222
W/uu Does It All Mean! 223
10 Ethics in News Journalism
Meta-issiiei in News Journalism 226
Ethical Apfiroaches Sjjccific to News Journalism 239
Sl}ecial Issues in Journalism Ethics 248
What Does It All MeanI 271


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