International tables for crystallography/ Hahn,Theo - 1st ed. - UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011.

Part 1 General relationships and techniques
1.1 Reciprocal space in crystallography
1.2 The structure factor
1.3 Fourier transforms in crystallography: theory, algorithms and applications
1.4 Symmetry in reciprocal space
1.5 Crystallographic viewpoints in the classification of space-group representations

Part 2 Reciprocal space in crystal-structure determination
2.1 Statistical properties of the weighted reciprocal lattice
2.2 Direct methods
2.3 Patterson and molecular replacement techniques, and the use of noncrystallographic symmetry in phasing
2.4 Isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering
2.5 Electron diffraction and electron microscopy in structure determination

Part 3 Dual bases in crystallographic computing
3.1 Distances, angles, and their standard uncertainties
3.2 The least-squares plane
3.3 Molecular modelling and graphics
3.4 Accelerated convergence treatment of R lattice sums
3.5 Extensions of the Ewald method for coulomb interaction in crystals

Part 4 Diffuse scattering and related topics
4.1 Thermal diffuse scattering of x-rays and neutrons
4.2 Disorder diffuse scattering of x-rays and neutrons
4.3 Diffuse scattering in electron diffraction
4.4 Scattering from mesomorphic structures
4.5 Polymer crystallography
4.6 Reciprocal-space images of aperiodic crystals

Part 5 Dynamical theory and its applications
5.1 Dynamical theory of x-rays diffraction
5.2 Dynamical theory of electron diffraction
5.3 Dynamical theory of neutron diffraction

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