Women in the Middle Ages: an encyclopedia/ edited by Katharina M. Wilson and Nadia Margolis. - Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004. - 2 v. (997 p.) : ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

v. 1. A-J -- v. 2. K-Z.

Volume 1: A-J -- Aasta of Norwar -- Abutsu-ni -- Adela of Blois -- Adelaide (Countess of Aumale) -- St. Aethelthryth -- St. Agnes of Assisi -- Blessed Agnes of Bohemia -- Alaisina Yselda -- Alamanda -- Alba lady -- St. Aldegund -- Almuc de Castelnou -- Amalasuntha -- Ancrene Riwle -- Blessed Angela of Foligno -- Anna of Munzingen -- Anne of Bohemia -- Arthurian women -- Medieval women artists -- Frau Ava -- zalais dʼAltier -- Azalais de Porcairagues -- Aztec warrior women -- Alijt Bake -- Battista da Montefeltro Malatesta -- Baudonivia -- Beatrice -- Beatrijs -- van Nazareth/van Tienen -- Beatritz de Dia -- Margaret Beaufort -- Beguines -- Dorothea Beier -- Belle Dame sans Merci -- Belle Helene de Constantinople -- Illuminata Bembo -- Juliana Berners -- Bertha of Vilich -- Berthgyth -- Sister Bertken/Berta Jacobs -- Bietris de Roman -- St. Birgitta of Sweden -- Bizzoche -- Blanche of Castile -- Women in Boccaccio (De Claris Mulieribus) -- Women in Boccaccio (Des Cleres et Nobles Femmes) -- Women in Boccaccio (works other than De Claris Mulieribus) -- Osbern Bikenham -- Mission and Circle of St. Boniface -- Tecla Borja -- Brangain -- Bride of Christ/Brautmystik -- Brunhild -- Bugga -- Burginda -- St. Caesaria Andreas Capellanus -- Na Carenza -- Na Castelloza -- Anonymous Catalan women poets -- St. Catherine of Bologna -- St. Catherine of Siena -- Celibacy -- Laura Cereta -- Chanson de Femme (womenʼs song) -- Alice Chaucer -- Women in the work of Geoffrey Chaucer -- Nun of Chelles -- Childhood and child rearing in the Middle Ages -- Women in China. Christina of Markyate -- Christina Mirabilis -- Chrisine de Pizan -- Clara dʼAnduza -- St. Clare of Assisi -- St. Clare of Montefalco -- Clemence of Barking -- St. Clothilde -- St. Colette of Corbie -- Anna Comnena -- Compiuta Bonzella -- Comtessa de Dia -- Concubines -- Constance of Castile -- Convents -- Caterina Cornaro -- Courtesy books -- Criseyde -- Daina -- Danse Macabre des Femmes -- Desert mothers Dhuoda -- Dido in the Middle Ages -- St. Dorothea of Montau -- Double Monasteries -- Dower -- Dowry -- Courtly womenʼs dress -- Religious womenʼs dress (western, Christian) -- Christine Ebner -- Margareta Ebner -- Egburg -- Egeria -- Elaine -- Eleanor of Aquitaine -- Eleanor of Brittany -- Eleanor of Castile -- Eleonore of Austria -- Elisabeth of Hungary (St. Thuringia) -- Elisabeth of Nassau-Saarbrucken -- St. Elisabeth of Schonau -- Elizabeth of York -- Elsbeth von Oye -- Emroidery -- Emma -- Emma (Aelfgifu -- Enchantresses, fays (fees), and fairies -- Engelbina von Augsburg --Enid -- Women as epistolary authors -- Ermengard of Narbonne -- Eucheria -- Eudocia -- St. Eustochium -- Women in Fatimid Egypt -- Cassandra Fedele -- Filipa de Lencastre -- Footbinding -- Francesca da Rimini -- Frauenfrage -- Frauenlied -- Frauenturnier -- Galla Placidia -- Garsenda of Forcalquier -- Gaudairenca -- Geertruide van Oosten -- St. Gertrude the Great of Helfta -- St. Gertrude of Nivelles -- Gherardesca of Pisa -- Lady Godiva -- Cecilia Gonzaga -- Gormonda of Montpellier -- Grazida (Grazida Lizier) -- Griselda -- Gualdrada de Ravignani. Guglielmittes -- Women in guilds -- Guilielma des Rosers -- Guinevere -- Domna H. Hadewijch -- Hagiography (female saints) -- Ursula Haider -- Hazzecha of Krauftal -- Heloise -- Herrad of Hohenburg (Landsberg) -- St. Hild (Hilda) -- St. Hildegard of Bingen -- Hocktide -- Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim -- Hugeburc of Heidenheim -- Issues and theory of Italian women humanists -- Humility topos -- Igerne -- Ingeborg of Denmark (Isambour of France) -- Ingibiorg -- Isabeau of Bavaria -- Isabel de Villena -- Iseut de Capio -- Isolde -- Ivetta of Huy -- Izumi Shikibu -- Jacquetta of Luxembourg -- Jeanne dʼEvreux -- Jewish women in the Middle Ages -- Joan, Fair Maid of Kent -- Pope Joan -- St. Joan of Arc -- Joreior Hermundardotir i MiojumdalJorunn skaldmaer -- Judgment of Paris -- Julian of Norwich -- Juliana of Mont-Cornillon Jus Primae Noctis -- Blessed Jutta of Disibodenberg --

volume 2: K-Z. -- Katharina von Gebweiler (Geberschweier) -- Katherine of Sutton -- Margery Kempe -- Kharja -- Lady of the Lake -- Adelhaid Langmann Laudine -- Laura -- Women in canon law -- Women in law (Anglo-Saxon England) -- Laxdoela saga -- Jean Le Fevre de Ressons -- Martin Le Franc -- Leoba -- Leonor Lopez de Cordoba -- Lesbians in the Middle Ages -- Li Qingzhao -- Lombarda -- Louise of Savoy -- Lunete -- St. Macrina the Elder -- St. Macrina the Younger -- Les Malmojades -- Marcia in the Middle Ages -- Margaret of Anjou -- Margaret of Scotland (Dauphine of France) -- St. Margaret of Scotland -- Margaret of York. Margareta von Schwangau -- Marguerite dʼOingt -- Maria de Ajofrin -- Maria of Venice (Maria Sturion) -- Maria de Ventadorn -- Marie de Brabant -- Marie de Champagne -- Marie de Compiegne -- Marie de France -- Marriage -- Blessed Virgin Mary (in the Middle Ages) -- Matilda of Scotland -- Matilda of Tuscany (Canossa) -- Mechthild of Hackeborn -- Mechthild of Magdeburg -- Medea in the Middle Ages -- Medicine and medieval women -- St. Melania the Elder -- St. Melania the Younger -- Melusine -- St. Angela Merici -- Minne -- Mirabai -- Miroir de Mariage (Mirror of Marriage) -- Morgan le Fay -- Mulieres sanctae -- Murasaki Shikibu -- Women in Muscovy -- Music in medieval nunneries -- Music, women composers and musicians -- Muwashshah -- Natura -- Nine Worthy Women -- Angela Nogarola -- Ginevra Nogarola -- Isotta Nogarola -- Norse women -- Novela Sentimental (Sentimental Romance) -- Novella dʼAndrea -- Merovingian nunneries -- Margaret Paston -- Women in penitentials -- Periculoso -- St. Perpetua -- Petronilla of Chemille -- Florencia Pinar -- Pinzochere -- Women in English place names -- Marguerite Porete -- Power of women -- Faltonia Betitia Proba -- Prostitution -- Na Prous Boneta -- Rabʼa al-ʼAdawiyya -- St. Radegund -- Rape -- Relics and medieval women -- Response du Bestiare -- La Reyna de Mallorques -- Women and rhetoric -- Debate of the Roman de la Rose -- Fair Rosamond -- Rules for canonesses, nuns and recluses -- Sachsenspiegel and Schwabenspiegel -- Salic law. Alessandra Scala -- Scribes and scriptoria --Maddalena Scrovegni -- Sei Shonagon -- Ipolita Sforza -- Elizabeth (Jane) Shore -- Sister-books (Schwesternbucher) -- Skaldkonur (Old Norse-Icelandic women poets) -- Female slaves -- Agnes Sorel -- Spinners and drapers -- Elsbeth Stagel -- Steinunn Refsdottir -- Syrian-Christian women -- Women as teachers -- Teresa de Cartagena -- St. Thecla -- Theodora -- Theodosia -- Theosebeia -- Theuthild -- Tibors -- Tournoiement des Dames -- Transvestism -- Trobairitz -- Trota and ʺTrotulaʺ -- Women trouveres -- St. Umilta of Faenza -- Sisters of Unterlinden -- Valkyries -- Costanza Varano -- Livre de la Vertu du Sacrement de Mariage -- Virginity -- Valentina Visconti -- Walladah -- Widows -- Witches -- Elizabeth Woodville -- Empress Wu -- Xue Tao -- Yang Guifei -- Yolanda of Aragon -- Yolande of Flanders -- Domna Ysabella -- Zoe Karbounopsina.

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