Nesse, William D.

Introduction to mineralogy/ William D. Nesse. - 1st ed. - New York: Oxford university press, 2009. - xiii, 438 p. ill. 29 cm.

Part I: Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry
1 Introduction
2 Crystallography
3 Crystal Chemistry
4 Crystal Structure
5 Crystal Growth

Part II: Mineral Properties, Study, and Identification
6 Physical Properties of Minerals
7 Optical Mineralogy
8 Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography
9 Chemical Analysis of Minerals
10 Strategic for Study

Part III: Mineral Descriptions
11 Silicates
12 Framework Silicates
13 Sheet Silicates
14 Chain Silicates
15 Disilicates and Ring Silicates
16 Orthosilicates
17 Carbonates, Borates, Sulfates, and Phosphates
18 Native Elements,


Optical Mineralogy
Mineralogy, Determinative

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