TY - BOOK AU - Awad, Elias M. TI - Systems analysis and design SN - 9788175156180 9( pb) U1 - 004.21 PY - 1997/// CY - Delhi PB - Galotia Publications N1 - Part ne Overview 1. Systems Concepts the Information Systems Environment Introduction. The Systems Concept: Definition. Characteristics 8f a System: Organization, Interaction. Interdependence, tntegfration. Cen tral Objective. Elements of a System: Outputs and inputs. Processoris). Control. Feedback. Environment. Boundaries and Intetface. lypes of Systems: Physical or Abstract Systems. Open or Closed Systems.^Man- Made information Systems. Illustration -A Dynamic Personnel Infor mation System Model. 2. The System Development Life Cy®^® Introduction. The System Development Life Cycle: Recognition of Need —What is the Problem? Feasibility Stutfy. ^talysls. Design. Imple mentation. Post-implementation and Maintenance. Considerations for Candidate Systems: Political Considerations. Planning and Control for System Success. Prototvoing. 3. The Role of the Systems Analyst Introduction. Definition. Historical Perapective: The Earfy Years. The War Effort. VVhat Does It Take to Do S^tems Analysis? Acsdemic and Persorud Cjpalifications. The MuUifaces«d Role of the Anatyst: Otange Agent. Investigator and Monitor. Architect. Pi^hologist. Salesperson. Motivator. Politician. Tlie Analyst/User Interface: Behavioral Issues. Conflict Resolution. The Place of the Analyst in the MIS Oi^anization: The MIS Organization. Rising Positions in System Development: The Paraprqfessional. The Technical Writer. Conclusions. Part Two Systems Anafysis 4. Systems Planning and the Initial Investigation Introduction. Bases for Planning in Systems Analysis: Dimensions of Planning. Initial Investigation: Needs Identification. Determining the User's Information Requirements. Case Scenario. Problem Definition and Project Initiation. Background Analysis. Fdct-Pinding. Fact Analysis. Determination of Feasibility. 8. Informatipn Gathering Introduction. VWiat Kinds of Information Do We Need? Information about the Firm. Information about User Staff. Information about Work Flow. Where Does Information Originate? Information-Gathering Tools: Review of Literature, Procedures, and Forms. On-Site Observa tion. Interviews and Qpestionnaires. Types cf Interviews and Qpestionnaires. 6. Hie Tools of Structured Analysis ^ Iritroduction. What Is Structured Anafysis? The Tools of Structured Analysis: The Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Data Dictionary. Decision Tree and Structured English. Decision TMes. Pros and Ctms of Each Tool. 7. PeasibllityStudy Introduction. System Performance Definition: Statement cf Con straints. Identification cf Specffic System Objectives. Inscription of Outputs. Feasibility Study: Feasibility Considerations. Steps in Feasi bility Ans^is. Feasibility Report. Oral Presentation. 8. Cost/Benefit Analysis Introduction. Data Analysis. Cost/Benefit Analysis: Cost and Benefit Categories. Procedure for Cost/Benefit Determination. The System IVopo^ Put Three Systems Design 8« the Process and Stages of Systems Design Introduction. The Process of Design: Logical and Physical Design. Design Methodologies: Structured Design- Porm-Driven Methodology— The IPO Charts. Structured WsJkthroug/t. Major Development Activi ties: Personnel Allocation. Audit Considerations: Processir^ Controls and Data Walidation. Audit TYail and Documentation Control. 10. Input/Output and Forma Design Introduction, input Design: Input Data. Input Media and Devices. Out put Design. Forms Design: What's a Porm? Classification of Porms. Requirements cfPorms Design. Carbon Paper as a Porm Copier. Types if Porms. Layout Considerations. Porms Control. 11. File Organization and Data Base Design introduction. File Structure. File Oiganization: Sequential Organiza tion. Indeyed-Secptential Organization. Inverted List Organization. Dir&: t-Access Org/anization. Data Base Design: Objectives of Data Base. Key Terms. Logical and Physical Views of Data. Data Structure. Nor malization. The Role of the Data Base Administrator. l>iarl Four S^tem Implementation U. System Testing and Qpiality Assurance introdueiion. Why ^tem Testing? What Do We Test for? The Nature of Test Data. The Test Plan: ActiWly Network for System Testing. Sys tem Testing. Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance Goals in the Systems Lfe Cycle. Levels of Qpality Assurance. Trends in Testing. Role of the Data Processing Auditor: The Audit Trail. 13. implementation and Software Maintenam^ introduction. Conversion: Activity Network for Conversion. Combating Resistance to Change. Post-implementation Review: Request for Re view. A Review Plan. Software Maintenance: Maintenance or Enhance ment? Primary Activities of a Maintenance Procedure. Reducing Main tenance Costs. 14. Hardware/Software Selection and the Computer Contract Introduction. The- Computer Industiy: Hardware Suf^liers. Software Suppliers. Service Suppliers. The Software industiy: Types of Software. A Procedure for Hardware»«oflwarB Selection: Major Phases in Selec tion. Software Selection. The Evaluation Process. Financial Considera tions in Selection: The Rentbl Option. The Lease Option. The Purchase Option. The Used Computer. The Computer Contract: The Art of Negotiation. Contract Checklist. 18. Project Scheduling and Software Introduction. Why Do Systems Fail? What is Project Management? A 18o Se^irSttsTp Disaster/Recmsi^p araid BtisScs in System Development Introcfuction. System Security: Dejiniiiona. Threats to System Security. Control Measures. Disaster/Recoveiy Planning: The Plan. Ethics In System Development: Ethics Codes and Standards of Behavior. Glossary of Terma ImSeacPart ne Overview 1. Systems Concepts the Information Systems Environment Introduction. The Systems Concept: Definition. Characteristics 8f a System: Organization, Interaction. Interdependence, tntegfration. Cen tral Objective. Elements of a System: Outputs and inputs. Processoris). Control. Feedback. Environment. Boundaries and Intetface. lypes of Systems: Physical or Abstract Systems. Open or Closed Systems.^Man- Made information Systems. Illustration -A Dynamic Personnel Infor mation System Model. 2. The System Development Life Cy®^® Introduction. The System Development Life Cycle: Recognition of Need —What is the Problem? Feasibility Stutfy. ^talysls. Design. Imple mentation. Post-implementation and Maintenance. Considerations for Candidate Systems: Political Considerations. Planning and Control for System Success. Prototvoing. 3. The Role of the Systems Analyst Introduction. Definition. Historical Perapective: The Earfy Years. The War Effort. VVhat Does It Take to Do S^tems Analysis? Acsdemic and Persorud Cjpalifications. The MuUifaces«d Role of the Anatyst: Otange Agent. Investigator and Monitor. Architect. Pi^hologist. Salesperson. Motivator. Politician. Tlie Analyst/User Interface: Behavioral Issues. Conflict Resolution. The Place of the Analyst in the MIS Oi^anization: The MIS Organization. Rising Positions in System Development: The Paraprqfessional. The Technical Writer. Conclusions. Part Two Systems Anafysis 4. Systems Planning and the Initial Investigation Introduction. Bases for Planning in Systems Analysis: Dimensions of Planning. Initial Investigation: Needs Identification. Determining the User's Information Requirements. Case Scenario. Problem Definition and Project Initiation. Background Analysis. Fdct-Pinding. Fact Analysis. Determination of Feasibility. 8. Informatipn Gathering Introduction. VWiat Kinds of Information Do We Need? Information about the Firm. Information about User Staff. Information about Work Flow. Where Does Information Originate? Information-Gathering Tools: Review of Literature, Procedures, and Forms. On-Site Observa tion. Interviews and Qpestionnaires. Types cf Interviews and Qpestionnaires. 6. Hie Tools of Structured Analysis ^ Iritroduction. What Is Structured Anafysis? The Tools of Structured Analysis: The Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Data Dictionary. Decision Tree and Structured English. Decision TMes. Pros and Ctms of Each Tool. 7. PeasibllityStudy Introduction. System Performance Definition: Statement cf Con straints. Identification cf Specffic System Objectives. Inscription of Outputs. Feasibility Study: Feasibility Considerations. Steps in Feasi bility Ans^is. Feasibility Report. Oral Presentation. 8. Cost/Benefit Analysis Introduction. Data Analysis. Cost/Benefit Analysis: Cost and Benefit Categories. Procedure for Cost/Benefit Determination. The System IVopo^ Put Three Systems Design 8« the Process and Stages of Systems Design Introduction. The Process of Design: Logical and Physical Design. Design Methodologies: Structured Design- Porm-Driven Methodology— The IPO Charts. Structured WsJkthroug/t. Major Development Activi ties: Personnel Allocation. Audit Considerations: Processir^ Controls and Data Walidation. Audit TYail and Documentation Control. 10. Input/Output and Forma Design Introduction, input Design: Input Data. Input Media and Devices. Out put Design. Forms Design: What's a Porm? Classification of Porms. Requirements cfPorms Design. Carbon Paper as a Porm Copier. Types if Porms. Layout Considerations. Porms Control. 11. File Organization and Data Base Design introduction. File Structure. File Oiganization: Sequential Organiza tion. Indeyed-Secptential Organization. Inverted List Organization. Dir&: t-Access Org/anization. Data Base Design: Objectives of Data Base. Key Terms. Logical and Physical Views of Data. Data Structure. Nor malization. The Role of the Data Base Administrator. l>iarl Four S^tem Implementation U. System Testing and Qpiality Assurance introdueiion. Why ^tem Testing? What Do We Test for? The Nature of Test Data. The Test Plan: ActiWly Network for System Testing. Sys tem Testing. Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance Goals in the Systems Lfe Cycle. Levels of Qpality Assurance. Trends in Testing. Role of the Data Processing Auditor: The Audit Trail. 13. implementation and Software Maintenam^ introduction. Conversion: Activity Network for Conversion. Combating Resistance to Change. Post-implementation Review: Request for Re view. A Review Plan. Software Maintenance: Maintenance or Enhance ment? Primary Activities of a Maintenance Procedure. Reducing Main tenance Costs. 14. Hardware/Software Selection and the Computer Contract Introduction. The- Computer Industiy: Hardware Suf^liers. Software Suppliers. Service Suppliers. The Software industiy: Types of Software. A Procedure for Hardware»«oflwarB Selection: Major Phases in Selec tion. Software Selection. The Evaluation Process. Financial Considera tions in Selection: The Rentbl Option. The Lease Option. The Purchase Option. The Used Computer. The Computer Contract: The Art of Negotiation. Contract Checklist. 18. Project Scheduling and Software Introduction. Why Do Systems Fail? What is Project Management? A 18o Se^irSttsTp Disaster/Recmsi^p araid BtisScs in System Development Introcfuction. System Security: Dejiniiiona. Threats to System Security. Control Measures. Disaster/Recoveiy Planning: The Plan. Ethics In System Development: Ethics Codes and Standards of Behavior. Glossary of Terma ImSeac ER -