Clifford, James

Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of Ethnography - London: University of California Press, 1986. - 305 p. ill. 23 cm.

1. Partial Truths, by James Clifford

2. Fieldwork in Common Places, by Mary Louise Pratt

3. Hermes' Dilemma: The Masking of Subversion in Ethnographic Description, by Vincent Crapanzano

4. From the Door of His Tent: The Fieldworker and the Inquisitor, by Renato Rosaldo

5. On Ethnographic Allegory, by James Clifford

6. Post-Modern Ethnography: From Document of the Occult to Occult Document, by Stephen A. Tyler

7. The Concept of Cultural Translation in British Social Anthropology, by Talal Asad

8. Contemporary Problems of Ethnography in the Modern World System, by George E. Marcus

9. Ethnicity an the Post-Modern Arts of Memory, by Michael M. J. Fischer

10. Representations Are Social Facts: Modernity and Post-Modernity in Anthropology, by Paul Rabinow



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