Walther, John V.

Essentials of geochemistry/ John V. Walther. - 2nd ed. - Boston: Jones and Bartlet, 2010. - xv, 797 p. ill. 24 cm.

1. Introduction
2. The earth's aggregate physical and chemical state
3. Introduction to thermodynamics
4. Mixtures and simple phase relations
5. Mineral chemistry
6. Aqueous solutions
7. Chemistry of natural waters
8. Chemistry of igneous rocks
9. Chemical controls on soil formation, diagenesis, metamorphism, and hydrothermal ore deposition
10. Radioactive isotope geochemistry
11. Stable isotope geochemistry
12. Surface sorption geochemistry
13. Chemical kinetics
14. Oxidation and reduction
15. Organic geochemistry
16. Atmospheric chemistry

978-0763759223 9789380108148


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