Leustean, Lucian; Madeley, John T. S.

Religion, politics and law in the European Union/ edited by Lucian N. Leustean and John T.S. Madeley. - New York: Routledge, 2010. - xv, 223 p ill. 25 cm.

Religious Identity and the European Union
1 European Inlegration, Laicite and Religion
Jean-Paul Willaime
2 Religion: a Solution or a Problem for the Legilimisation of the European '
Francois Egret
3 A European Battlefield: Does the EU Have a Soul? Is Religion In or Out of
Place in the European Union?
Carin Laudrup
4 From Hammer and Sickle to Star and Crescent: the Question of Religion for
European Identity and a Political Europe
Benoit Challand
5 European Enlargement, Secularisation and Religious Re-publicisation in
Central and Eastern Europe
David Herbert & Max Eras
Religious and Political Leaders in the Construction of the European Union
6 Cracks in a Eagade of Unity: the French and Italian Christian Democrats and
the Launch of the European Integration Process, 1945-1957
Linda Risso
7 Alcide De Gasperi and Antonio Messineo: a Spiritual Idea of Politics and a
Pragmatic Idea of Religion?
GiULio Venneri & Paolo O. Eerrara
8 Papal Thought on Europe and the European Union in the Twentieth Century
Blandine Chelini-Pont
Religion and Law in the European Union
9 Towards a "Common Law' on Religion in the European Union
Norman Doe
10 Voices in the Wilderness: the Established Church of England and the
European Union
Mark Hill
Religious Lobbies in tbe European Union
11 Religious Lobbies in the European Union: from Dominant Church
to Faith-Based Organisation?
Martin Stlvhn
12 The European Union and the New Religious Movements
Sabrina Pastorklli
13 The Logic of Structured Dialogue between Religious Associations and the
Institutions of the European Union
Kenneth Houston


Religion and law
Religion and politics

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