Terror, terrorism, states, and societies: a historical and philosophical perspective/ edited by Samir Kumar Das, Rada Iveković. - New Delhi: Women Unlimited, 2010. - xxviii, 300 p. ill. 23 cm.

Section I: Reason, Lang^age and the Self

1 Kant on the French Revolution:
The role of terror in the constitution
of the subject
Artemy Magun

2 Imaginary Territories:
Staging terror, protecting from terror

3 Rumour as Media
Stephen Wright

4 Terror as a Historical Process and as Language
Daho Djerbal

5 Philosophies and Actions in Times ofTerror
Ranabir Samaddar
Section II: Law, Emergency and Exception

6 The Ban and the Exception:
Discussing the state of exception
Didier Bigo

7 The Gendered Face of Extraordinary Powers
Paula Banerjee

8 Terrorism and the Law:
What can an emergency constitution do?
ViRGfLio Afonso da Silva

9 Terror and the Democratic Paradox
pRADiP Kumar Bose

10 Extraordinary Renditions Programme
Alain Brossat
Section III: Terrorism as a Paradigm of (In)Security

11 Terrorists in India's North-east and
Dialogues with Them?:
The improbables in the hypothesis
Samir Kumar Das

12 Terrorism, Fear and Surveillance
Shahnaz Rouse

13 Human Security as a Barrier to All Forms
BeCHIR Chourou

14 Deconstructing Terrorism:
Discourse and death in Pakistan
Rubina Saigol
Section IV: Terrorism and the Crisis of the Political

15 Terror and the Crisis of the Political
Boyan Manchev

16 The Figures ofTerror and the Philosophical
Debate on Modernity
Francisco Naishtat



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