Rose, Melody.

Abortion: a documentary and reference guide/ Melody Rose. - Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008. - xvi, 258 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [253]-255) and index.

CHAPTER 1: Abortion in Early America
SK Jennings (1808)
In History: Hippocratic Oath
MA v. Bangs (1812)
In History: CT Abortion law
Declaration of Sentiments (1848)
AMA Report on Abortion (1859)
Storer, Why Not? (1868)
Comstock Act (1873)

CHAPTER 2: Early Twentieth-Century Tensions and Trends
Roosevelt, On Motherhood (1905)
Survey, Up to the Doctors (1925)
US v. One Package (1936)
In History: Catholic Church's statements
Margaret Sanger's autobiography (1938)
ALI's Model Penal Code (1959)
Newsweek's Abortion Racket (1960)

CHAPTER 3: Abortion at a Crossroads: America at Mid-Century
Griswold v. CT (1965)
NOW¿Bill of Rights
Humanae Vitae (1968)
NARAL By-laws and Progress Report (1969)
Abortion Handbook for Responsible Women (1969)
In History: Jane
Neuberger speech (1969)
Ruth Barnett's autobiography (1969)
In History: Ruth Hodgson's arrest
Jarvis Thomson, Defense of Abortion (1971)

CHAPTER 4: Roe v. Wade and Its Critics
Roe v. Wade (1973)
In History: Number of illegal abortions
Ely, Wages of Crying Wolf (1973)
The Hyde Amendment (1976)
In History: Number of federally funded abortions
MacKinnon, Privacy v. Equality (1983)

CHAPTER 5: The Parties Collide
Democratic and Republican Party Platforms (1984)
In History: Global gag rule
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, "Some Thoughts" (1985)
In History: Mission of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (1985)
Paul Hill, "Why Shoot an Abortionist?" [year?]
In History: Number of abortion providers, 1992 to 2000
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989)

CHAPTER 6: The Pendulum Swings Again
Planned Parenthood of SE PA v. Casey, Alito's opinion in lower court (1991)
Planned Parenthood of SE PA v. Casey (1992)
In History: Changing court
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (1994)
In History: Abortion clinic violence
Naomi Wolf, "Our Bodies, Our Souls" (1995)
Clinton's Veto of the PBA (1996)

CHAPTER 7: The Battle Continues into the Twenty-first Century
President Bush's Stem Cell Address (2001)
President Bush's Mexico City Policy Restoration (2001)
Jimmy Carter excerpt (2005)
In History: South Dakota law
Arkansas ultrasound equipment law (2003)
In History: Data on ultrasound equipment laws (2007)
Gonzales v. Carhart (2007)
In History: New Hampshire repeals parental notification law
Hillary Clinton's 2005 Remarks on Abortion

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