Wichterich, Christa

The globalized woman: reports from a future of inequality/ Christa Wichterich. - New York: Zed Books, 2000. - x,180 p.

1 The Global Conveyor-belt
Women as a comparative advantage /i Yesterday Upper
Lusatia, today Bangladesh, tomorrow China /\ Not every
Eden is Paradise/g Trampling people down - just do it /12
Hollow firms, quota hopping and 'swallow' companies /15
The 1 hird World in the Pirst /21 Pushing emancipation or
forced labour? /24 Global counterforce - or globalization
from below 728
2 Worldwide Service
Postindustrial work 736 Women fending for themselves 742
The global office 744 Isle of the blessed 750 Towards
the self-service society 753 The international army of
cleaners 756 Body markets 76o
3 Means of Living
Land for men, work for women 76g Proteins for the wellfed
774 Hunger and trade /j8 Fast food, junk food, novelty
food - or the lost power of the cook 784 Whose seed is it? 786
A step further; the human cell economv 791
4 The Sweeper Women of Structural Adjustment, or
the Femlnlzatlon of Social Security
Unpayable kibour 797 Honour where honour is due 7ioo
The social state discharges its children 7102 Farewell to Arab
socialism 7107 Adjusting to adjustment 7i 10 The acrobatics
of survival 7112 Matrioshki of the transformation 7i 16
Winner takes all, or the splitting of society 7122
5 Variants of Modernity
Consumption as global culture /i2g Decadence and
independence /133 Looking west, turning east /136
Identity politics /140
6 Globaiization of the Women's Movements
.Movements and networks /145 Alliance for the right to
a few square metres of housing /148 The new international
women's politics /151 Countering powerlessness /157
Globalized woman /166

9781856497411 856497402

Unemployed women workers
Competition, International
International division of labor

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