Media and cultural studies: keyworks/ edited by Meenakshi Gigi Durham and Douglas Kellner. - Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - vii, 635p. ill. 25 cm.

Part I: Culture, Ideology, and Hegemony
Introduction to Part I
1 The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas o
Karl Marx and Friedrich Enjjcls
2 (i) Histor)' of the Subaltern Cdasses; (ii) The C.oncept of "Ideology'
(iii) Cultural Themes: Ideological Material
Antonio Gr/imsci
3 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Walter Benjamin
4 The Culture Industiy: Philightenment as Mass Deception
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno
5 The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article
Jur£icn Habermas
6 Ideolog)' and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes Towards an
Louis Althusser
Part II: Social Life and Cultural Studies
Introduction to Part II
7 (i) Operation Margarine; (ii) Myth Today
Roland Barthes
8 The Medium is the Message
Mard-jall McLuhan
9 The Commodity as Spectacle
Guy Debord
10 Introduction: Instructions on How to Become a General in the'
Disneyland Club
Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattclart
11 Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theoty
Raymond Williams
12 (i) From Culture to Hegemony; (ii) Subculture:
The Unnatural Break
Dick Hebdicjc
13 Encoding/Decoding
Stuart Hall
14 On the Politics of Flmpirical Audience Research
len Att^
Part III; Political Economy
Introduction to Part III
15 Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass-Communication
Nicholas Garnham
16 On the Audience Commodity and its Work
Dallas W. Smythc ^
17 A Propaganda Model
Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky
18 Not Yet the Post-Imperialist Fira
Herbert I. Schiller
19 Gendering the Commodity Audience: Critical Media Research,
Feminism, and Political Economy
Eileen R. Meehan
20 (i) Introduction; (ii) The Aristocracy ol Culture
Pierre Bourdicu
21 On Television
Pierre Bourdieu
Part IV: The Politics of Representation
Introduction to Part IV
22 Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
Laura Mulvey
23 Stereotyping
Richard Dyer
24 Plating the Other: Desire and Resistance
bell hooks
25 British Cultural Studies and the Pitfalls of Identity
Paul Gilroy
26 Under Western Kyes: Feminist Sehoktrship and Colonial Diseoiirses
Chnndva Tnlpndc Mohnnty
27 Hybrid Cniitures, Ublie]ue Powers
Nestor Gnrcia Cnnclini
Part V: The Postmodern Turn and New Media
Introduction to Part V
28 The Precession of Simulacra
Jcn}i Bnudrillnrd
29 Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late C,apitalism
Frcdric Jameson
30 Feminism, Postmodernism and the "Real Me"
A)ifjeln McRobbie
31 Postmodern Virtualities
Mark Poster
32 Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars?: Digital Canema, Media
Convergence, and Participator Culture
Henry Jenkins
Part VI: Globalization and Social Movements
Introduction to Part VI
33 Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
Arjun Appadurai
34 The Global and the Local in International Communications
Annabelle Sreberny
35 The Processes: From Nationalisms to Transnationalisms
Jesus Martin-Barbero
36 Globalization as Hybridization
Jan Nederveen Pieterse
37 (Re)Asserting National Television and National Identity Against
the Global, Regional, and Local Levels ot World Television
Joseph Straubhaar
38 Oppositional Politics and the Internet: A Critical/Reconstructive
Richard Kahn and Douqlas M. Kellner


Mass media and culture
Popular culture

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