
Knowledge in the new technologies/ Gerassimos Kouzelis - Berlin: Peter Lang, 2005. - 212 p.

Gerassimos Kouzelis, Maria Poumari, Michael Stoppler, Vasilis Tselfes 11
I. "Knowledge" and "Information": the Epistemological Prerequisites
A model of Data and Semantic Information
Luciano Floridi 21
New Technologies:Knowledge of Procedural Rules and Practical Skills
Maria Poumari 43
II. New Technologies and their Users
Themakingofa third world: Three hypotheses
Gerassimos Kouzelis 51
Context-Aware uses of Information Technologies and Technophobia
Alexandres-Andreas Kyrtsis 71
III. Knowledge in the "New Economy"
Information and Knowledge in 20^^ Century Economics:
From Prices, to Contracts, to Institutions
Stavros ioannides ' 89
Knowledge Processes Embedded in Task Structures:
Design of a Technical and Organizational Solution
Kostas Samiotis, Anthony Papargyris, Angeliki Poulymenakou,
Panagiotis Zaharias, George M. Giaglis 113
Auctions. Information, and New Technologies
Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Marion Ott 125
IV. New Technologies and School Knowledge

V. iN-usE Knowledge: What is Really New?
Ubiquitous Computing in Science and Engineering Research Laboratories-
Acasestudyfrom biomedical engineering
Nancy J. Nersessian, Hike Kurz-Milcke, Jim Davies 167
Between telecommunication efficiency and instability:
Towards an historical approach
Aristotle Tympas


Information technology

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