TY - BOOK AU - Harrison, Frank R TI - Logic and rational thought SN - 0314668144 U1 - 160 PY - 1992/// CY - St.Paul PB - West, N1 - CHAPTER 1 STARTING OUT 1. Why Bother With Rational Thought? 2. Logic and Arguments 3. Arguments, Explanations, Descriptions, and Rlietoric 4. Deduction and Induction 5. Some Final Obsenations 6. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 2 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: BASIC CONCEPTS 1. Truth-Functional Logic 2. Statement Variables and Logical Constants 3. Truth-Functional Denial 4. Truth-Functional ("onjunction 5. Truth-Functional Disjunction 6. (Constants of Punctuation and Scope 7. Constructing Truth Tables S. Hypothetical Statements and Material Implication 9. Material Equivalence 10. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 3 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: TRUTH TABLES 1. Shortened Form Truth Tables 2. Contradictory, Tautological, and C^ontingent Statements 3. Shortened Form Truth Tables: \'alidity and Invalidity 4. The Rrdurlian Ad Ahsunluin Wclhod: \'alidity and Invalidity 5. The Replacement Method: X'alidity and Invalidity 6. Consistency and Inconsistency 7. Logical Equivalence 8. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 4 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: TRUTH TREES 1. Validity and Invalidity 2. Consistency and Inconsistency 3. Contradictoiy, Tautological, and Contingent Statements 4. Logical Equivalence 5. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 5 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: ARGUMENT FORMS 1. Argument Forms 2. Simplification, Commutation of the Dot, and Conjunction 3. Disjunctive Syllogism, Commutation of the Wedge, and Addition 4. Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens 5. Hypothetical Syllogism and Constructive Dilemma 6. Points of Strateg)'—A Summaiy Review 7. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 6 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: EQUIVALENCE FORMS 1. Association and Commutation 2. Double Negation and Transposition 3. Distribution and DeMorgan's Laws 4. Material Implication and Exportation 5. Equivalence and Tautology 6. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 7 TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC: FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. The Conditional Method of Proving Validity 2. The Indirect Method of Proving Validity 3. Demonstrations oflnconsistency 4. Demonstrations of Tautologies .5. Demonstrations of Logical Equivalence 6. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 8 CATEGORICAL LOGIC: STATEMENTS AND IMMEDIATE INFERENCES 1. Categorical Statements and Venn Diagrams 2. Non-Standard Form Categorical Statements 3. Existential Import and the Square of Opposition 4. Conversion, Obversion, and Contraposition 5. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 9 CATEGORICAL LOGIC: SYLLOGISMS, ENTHYMEMES AND SORITES 1. Categorical Syllogisms 2. Validity and Venn Diagrams 3. Validity and Categorical Rules 4. Enthymemes and Sorites 5. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 10 PREDICATE LOGIC: BEGINNINGS 1. Individuals, Properties, and Singular Statements 2. General Statements—I 3. General Statements—II 4. Statements Involving Relations 5. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 11 TRUTH TREES AND PREDICATE LOGIC 1. Validity and Invalidity 2. Consistency and Inconsistency 3. Contradictions, Necessarily True Statements, and Contingent Statements 4. Logical Equivalence 5. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 12 PREDICATE LOGIC: PROOF CONSTRUCTION 1. Getting Started 2. Universal Instantiation and Universal Generalization 3. Existential Generalization and Existential Instantiation 4. Quantificational Denial 5. Conditional and Indirect Proofs 6. Arguments Involving Relations 7. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 13 LANGUAGE, MEANING, AND DEFINITIONS 1. Language 2. Meaning 3. Definilions 4. Consirueting Dennilions 3. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 14 THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG: FALLACIES OF RELEVANCE 1. Ciogenl and Fallacious Argumeius 2. (Classifying Fallacies 3. Hindrances lo Crasping Fallacies 4. (iuides to (Catching Fallacies 5. Anihigtiity 6. Equivocation 7. Vagueness 8. Relative Words 9. Appeal to Irrelevant Authority 10. Appeal to Pity 11. Appeal to the Mas.ses 12. Appeal to Special Interests 13. Appeal to Ignorance 14. Fake Precision 13. Hasty (Conclusion 16. Neglect of Relevant Evidence 17. Review of New Terms CHAPTER 15 FALLACIES OF RATIONALITY 1. Ad Hnminem 2. Tu Quoque 3. Red Herring 4. Straw Man 5. Is-Ought 6. Deceptive Alternatives 7. Wishful Thinking 8. Novelty 9. (Confusing Sufficient and Necessary (Conditions 10. Questionable (Causes 11. Slippery Slope 12. Gambler's Fallacy 13. (Circular Argument 14. Inconsistencies 13. Factual Certainty ER -