Covert, Henry G.

Discovering the Parables: an inspirational guide for everyday life/ Henry G. Covert - London: praeger, 2008. - 144p.

One: The Sower
Two: Tlie Wheat and Tares
Three: The Mustard Seed
Four: The Leaven
Five: The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price
Six: The Drag Net
Seven: The Unmerciful Servant
Eight: The Laborers in the Vineyard
Nine: The Two Sons
Ten: The Tenants
Eleven: The Wedding Banquet
Twelve: The Ten Virgins
Tljirteen: The Talents
Fourteen: The Growing Seed
Fifteen: The Two Debtors
Sixteen: The Good Samaritan
Seventeen: The Friend at Midnight
Eighteen: The Rich Fool
Nineteen: The Barren Fig Tree
Twenty: The Great Banquet /
Twenty-One: The Lost Sheep
Twenty-Two: The Lost Coin
Twenty- Three: The Lost Son
Twenty-Four: The Shrewd Manager
Twenty-Five: The Rich Man and Lazarus
Twenty-Six: The Unprofitable Servants
Twenty-Seven: Tie Persistent Widow
Twenty-Fight: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Twenty-Nine: The Ten Minas
Thirty: Conclusion


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