Biological control: a global perspective/ edited by Charles Vincent, Mark S. Goettel, George Lazarovits. - Wallingford, England: CABI, 2007. - xvi, 440p.: ill.; 23 cm.

Includes Index.

1 Adventures in Biocontrol

Classical Biocontrol Programmes
2 Search for Biological Control Agents of Invasive Mediterranean Snails
3 Introductions of Parasitoids to Control the Apple Ermine Moth in British Columbia
4 Introductions of Parasitoids to Control the Imported Cabbageworm
5 Biological Control of the Cassave Green Mite in Africa: Overcoming Challenges to Implementation
6 The Multicoloured Asian Ladybird Beetle: Beneficial or Nuisance Organism?
7 Introduction of a Fungus into North America for Control of Gypsy Moth
8 Weevils Control Invasive Thistles in Canada
9 How Many and What Kind of Agents for the Biological Control of Weeds: a Case Study with Diffuse Knapweed
10 Why is Biocontrol of Common Ragweed, the Most Allergenic Weed in Eastern Europe, Still only a Hope?
11 Biocontrol for Everyman: Public Participation in a Weed Project

Inundative (or Augmentative) Biocontrol Programmes
1) Using Macroorganisms
12 Biological Control for Insect Pests in Greenhouses: an Unexpected Success
13 From Chemical to Biological Control in Canadian Greenhouse Crops
14 An Endemic Omnivorous Predator for Control of Greenhouse Pests
15 Entomopathogenic Nematodes: from Science to Commercial use
16 A Novel Nematode for Management of Slugs
2) Using Microorganisms

17 A Novel Bacterium for Control of Grass Grub
18 How Early Discoveries about Bacillus Thuringiensis Prejudiced Subsequent Research and Use
19 Development of Resistance to the Biopesticide Bacillus Thuringiensis Kurstaki

20 How Much Biocontrol is Enough?
21 Control of Root Diseases with Trichoderma spp. in Forest Nurseries of Central Siberia
22 Commercial Development of Trichoderma Virens for Damping -off Disease
23 Trichoderma Stromaticum for Management of Witches' Broom of Cacao in Brazil
24 Lessons Learned from Sporidesmium, a Fungal Agent for Control of Sclerotia-Forming Fungal Pathogens
25 Sporodex, Fungal Biocontrol for Powdery Mildew in Greenhouse Crops
26 Potential and Limitations of Microsphaeropsis Ochraceae, and Agent for Biosanitation of Apple Scab
27 Competitive Exclusion of Aflatoxin Producers: Farmer-Drive Research and Development
28 Aflatoxin Control in Cotton and Groundnuts: Regulatory Aspects
29 Postharvest Biocontrol: New Concepts and Applications
30 Development of the Mycoherbicide, BioMal
31 Development of Chondrostereum Purpureum as a Mycoherbicide for Deciduous Brush Control
32 Developing the Production System for Chondrostereum Purpureum
33 Beauveria Bassiana for Pine Caterpillar Management in the People's Republic of China
34 Green Muscle, a Fungal Biopesticide for Control of Grasshoppers and Locusts in Africa
35 Pollinators as Vectors of Biocontrol Agents-the B52 story
36 Genetic Modification for Improvement of Virulence of Metarhizium Anisopliae as a Microbial Insecticide

37 Madex and Virosoft, Viral Biopesticides for Codling Moth Control
38 A Nucleopolyhedrovirus for Control of the Velvetbean Caterpillar in Brazillian Soybeans
39 Abietiv a Viral Biopesticide for Control of the Balsam Fir Sawfly
40 Field Tests in the UK of a Genetically Modified Baculovirus

Conservation Biocontrol Programmes
4 Control of Mites in Pome Fruits by Inoculation and Conservation
42 Management of Aphid Populations in Cotton through Conservation: Delaying Insecticide Spraying has its Benefits
43 Management of Pests and Diseases in New Zealand and Australian Vineyards
44 Take-all Decline: Model System in the Science of Biological Control and Clue to the Success of Intensive Cropping

Networking in Biocontrol
45 The Biocontrol Network: a Canadian Example of the Importance of Networking


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