Potter, Jonathan

Discourse and Psychology Vol. II / edited by Jonathan Potter - 1st ed. - London: Sage, 2007. - 420p.

Volume One: Theory and Method; PART ONE: THEORETICAL AND ANALYTIC ROOTS; J Coulter Transparency of Mind: The Availability of Subjective Phenomena; D Smith K is Mentally III: The Anatomy of a Factual Account; P Stringer You Decide What Your Title Is to Be and (Read) Write to That Title; R Harr[ac]e Language Games and the Texts of Identity; K J Gergen Warranting Voice and the Elaboration of the Self; J Shotter Bakhtin and Billig: Monological versus Dialogical Practices; D Bogen and M Lynch Taking Account of the Hostile Native: Plausible Deniability and the Production of Conventional History in the Iran-Contra Hearings; D R Watson The Presentation of Victim and Motive in Discourse: The Case of Police Interrogations and Interviews; P Drew Strategies in the Contest between Lawyers and Witnesses; A M Pomerantz Telling My Side: 'Limited Access' as a Fishing Device; M Billig Prejudice, Categorization and Particularization: From a Perceptual to a Rhetorical Approach; M Mulkay and G N Gilbert Vol. 2. Discourse and social psychology xv, 421 s.


150 / POT/D