Fundamentalism,politics and the law/ Hamilton,Marci A. - 1st ed. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - 252 p.

Part i Contemporary Studies of United States
Protestant Fundamentalism
1 Premillennialists in the New Millennium: The Christian
Right in the United States
Clyde Wilcox
2 From Darwin to Dover: An Overview of the
Evolution Debate
David Masci
3 Sex, Sin, and Social Policy: Religion and the
Politics of Abstinence-Only Programs
Susan D. Rose
4 Uncivil Religion: Judeo-Christianity and the
Ten Commandments
Frederick Mark Gedicks and Ro^er Hendrix
5 In "Bad Faith": The Corruption of Charitable Choice
Steven K. Green
Part II Beyond United States Protestant
6 Islamicism: Jihad and Fostering Political Islam in
the United States
Brian Robert Calfano
7 Judaism: Religious Ritual as a Form of
Boundary Maintenance
Hella Winston
8 Mormonism: Harm, Human Rights, and the
Criminalization of Fundamentalist Mormon Polygamy
Stephen A. Kent
9 Catholicism: Fundamentalism in the Canon Law
Thomas P. Doyle
10 Secrecy and the Underpinnings of Cycles of Child
Sex Abuse in Religious Organizations
Marci A. Hamilton


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