Frontiers of embedded muslim communities in India/ Jairath, Vinod K. - 1st ed. - London: Routledge taylor and francis group, 2011. - 272p.p

Part I: Self Identity and Others
1. Border Transgressions and the Frontiers of Faith
in Kachchh, Gujarat
Farhana Ibrahim
2. We are Different from Shias Here; We are Different from
Iranis There: Irani Shias in Hyderabad
Vinod K. Jairath and Huma R. Kidwai
3. Sidis of Gujarat — A Building Community: Their Role
in Indian History into Contemporary Times
Beheroze Shrojf
Part II: Caste — Reproduction, Stratification and Mobility
4. Consanguineous Marriage and Kinship System:
Impact of Socio-Cultural Dynamics among the
Muslims of Delhi, India
Rosina Nasir and A. K. Kalla
5. Social Stratification among the Muslims of Kerala
P. R. G. Mathur
6. Ethnic Identity and Islamisation among the Borewale
Muslims of Andhra Pradesh
S. A. A. Saheb
7. Taleem, Tanzeem aur Tijaarat: The Changing
Role of the AIJQ
Zarin Ahmad
8. Multiple Identities and Educational Choices;
Reflections on Ansari Students in a School of Banaras
Nirmali Goswami
Part III: Muslim Citizens
9. Tamil Muslims and the Dravidian Movement:
Alliance and Contradictions
S. Anwar
10. Muslim Perceptions and Responses in Post-Police
Action Contexts in Hyderabad
M. A. Moid
11. Naata, Nyaya: Friendship and/or Justice on the Border
Rowena Robinson


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