Gangawane, L.V.

Crop diseases: identification and management/ Germaine Wyatt - 1st.ed. - Oakville: Apple Academic Press, 2008. - 244 p.

1. Apple Scab
Vijay Singh Thakur
2. Apple Blotch
Vijay Singh Thaktir
3. Apple Powdery Mildew
Vijay Singh Thakur
4. Fruit Rot of Arecanut
M. Gunasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
5. Bud Rot of Arecanut
M. Gunasekaran andR. Chandramohanan
6. Ganoderma or Anabe of Arecanut
M. Gunasekaran andR. Chandramohanan
7. Yellow Leaf of Arecanut
M. Gunasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
8. Inflorescence Die-back and Button Shedding of Arecanut
M. Gunasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
9. Downy Mildew of Bajra
V.V. Datar mid Siinita J. Magar
10. Rust of Bajra
V.V. Datar and Siinita J. Magar
11. Leaf Blast of Bajra
V.V. Datar and Swiita J. Magar
12. Ergot of Bajra
V;v; Datar and Sunita J. Magar
13. Smut of Bajra
V.V. Datar and Siinita J. Magar
14. Panama Wilt of Banana
V.C. Khilare
15. Sigatoka Disease of Banana (Yellow and Black)
V.C. Khilare
16. FootRot/Leaf Rot of Betelvine
V.V. Datar and Sunita J. Magar
17. Wilt of Betelvine
V.V Datar and Sunita J. Magar
Black Pepper
18. Foot Rot of Black Pepper (Piper nigruin L.)
Y.R. Saiina
19. Capsule Rot of Small Cardamom
Y.R. Saiina
20. Wilt of Chickpea
21. Dry Root Rot of Chickpea
O.D. Kohire
22. Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea
O.D. Kohire
23. Botrytis Gray Mould of Chickpea
O.D. Kohire
24. Virus Diseases of Chilli
Satya Prakash
25. Fruit Rot of Chilli
V.V. Sonaivane
26. Powdery Mildew of Chilli
17. Leaf Spot of Chilli
DA. Doiphode
28. Citrus Greening
D.K. Ghosh
29. Black Pod of Cocoa
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
30. Canker of Cocoa
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
31. Charcoal Pod Rot of Cocoa
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
32. Vascular Streak Die Back of Cocoa
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
33. Bud Rot of Coconut
M. Gtinasekaran andR. Chandramohanan
34. Basal Stem Rot of Coconut
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
35. Stem Bleeding of Coconut
M. Gtinasekaran and R. Chandramohanan
36. Wilt of Coconut
M. Giinasekaran and R. Chandmmohanan
37. Leaf Rot of Coconut
M. Gnnasekaran and R. Chandmmohanan
38. Crown Choke of Coconut
M. Gnnasekaran and R. Chandmmohanan
39. Gray Leaf Spot Disease
M. Gnnasekaran and R. Chandmmohanan
40. Nut Rot
M. Gnnasekaran and R. Chandmmohanan
41. Bud Rot of Coconut
PJ\.. Fngro and K.P. Vaidya
42. Bacterial Blight/Angular Leaf Spot of Cotton
P.K. Chakrabarty, R.L. Chavhan and Rita Dhanole
43. Grey Mildew of Cotton
P.K. Chakrabarty, R.L. Chavhan and Rita Dhanole
44. Root Rot of Cotton
P.K. Chakrabarty, R.L. Chavhan and Rita Dhanole
45. Leaf Curl Virus of Cotton
P.K. Chakrabarty, R.L. Chavhan and Rita Dhanole
46. Fig Rust
B.S. Solnnke
47. Rhizome Rot of Ginger
Shalini D. Sagarand Srikant Ktdkami
48. Soft Rot/Rhizome Rot of Ginger
Y.R. Sarma
49. Downy Mildew of Grapes
T.S. Thind
50. Anthracnose of Grapes
T.S. Thind
51. Powdery Mildew of Grapes
T.S. TJiind
52. Anthracnose of Grapes
A.S. Deokate
53. Dry Root Rot of Groundnut
Avinash B. Ade
54. Aflaroot of Groundnut
Avinash B. Ade
55. Rust of Groundnut
B.M. Kareppa
56. Tikka/Leaf Spot of Groundnut
B.M. Kareppa
57. Altemaria Blight of Groundnut
D.C. Kamthane and B.M. Kareppa
58. Wilt Disease of Guava
D.K. Chakrabarti
59. Wilt of Guava
H.K. Kehri, Varun Khare and Sudha Singh
60. • Anthracnose of Guava
H.K. Kehri, Varun Khare and Sudhir Chandra
61. Fruit Canker of Guava
H.K. Kehri and Varun Khare
62. Stylar End Rot or Phomopsis Rot of Guava
H.K. Kehri and Varun Khare
63. Botryodiplodia Rot of Guava
H.K. Kehri and Varun Khare
64. Wilt of Guava
A.K. Misra
65. Powdery Mildew of Mango
A.K. Misra
66. Anthracnose of Mango
A.K. Misra
67. Malformation of Mango
A.K. Misra
68. Malformation of Mango
D.K. Chakrabarti
69. Powdery Mildew of Mango
P.A. Fugro and K.P. Vaidya
Mungbean & Urdbean
70. Mungbean and Urdbean Yellow Mosaic Virus
O.D. Kohire
71. Cercospora Leaf Spot of Mungbean and Urdbean
O.D. Kohire
72. Powdery Mildew of Mungbean
and Urdbean
O.D. Kohire
Okra (Bhindi)
73. Yellow Vein Mosaic of Okra (Bhindi)
V.C. Khilare
74. Purple Blotch of Onion
A.H. Rajasab
Opium Poppy
75. Downy Mildew of Opium Poppy
D.K. Chakrabarti
76. Phytophthora Blight of Pigeonpea
Sumia Fatima
77. Wilt of Pigeonpea
O.D. Kohire
78. Sterility Mosaic of Pigeonpea
O.D. Kohire
79. Bacterial Blight (Oily Spot) of Pomegranate
V.T. Jadhav, K.K. Shanna and Jyotsana Shamta
80. Wilt of Pomegranate
K.K. Shanna, Jyotsatia Shanna and V.T. Jadhav
81. Cercospora Leaf and Fruit Spots of Pomegranate
Jyotsana Shanna, K.K. Shanna and V.T. Jadhav
82. Anthracnose of Pomegranate
Jyotsana Shanna, K.K. Shanna and V.T. Jadhav
83. Sun Scald of Pomegranate
V.T. Jadhav, K.K. Shanna and Jyotsana Shanna
84. Abiotic Fruit Cracking of Pomegranate
V^r. Jadhav, K.K. Shanna and Jyotsana Shanna
85. Bacterial Wilt and Brown Rot of Potato
S.M. Paid Khurana
86. Black Scurf and Stem Canker of Potato
S.M. Paul Khurana
87. Common Scab of Potato
S.M. Paul Khurana
88. Late Blight of Potato
S.M. Paul Khurana
89. Potato Leafroll
S.M. Paul Khurana
90. Potato Mosaics
S.M. Paul Khurana
91. Late Blight of Potato
R.K. Arora
92. Early Blight of Potato
R.K. Arora
93. Black Scurf of Potato
R.K. Arora
94. Dry Rot of Potato and Fusarial Wilt
R.K. Arora
95. Wart of Potato
R.K. Arora
96. Powdery Scab of Potato
97. Charcoal Rot of Potato
98. Bacterial Wilt of Potato
R.K. Arora
99. Bacterial Soft Rot of Potato
R.K. Arora
100. Common Scab of Potato
R.K. Arora
101. Potato Wilt
SrikantKtilkami, Venkatesh Kulkami and Mamatha M. Goraivar
102. False Smut of Rice
Yashoda R. Hegde and Srikant Kulkami
103. Charcoal Rot of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
104. Collar Rot or Sclerotial Blight of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
105. Anthracnose and Pod Blight of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
106. Rust of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
107. Cercospora Blight or Leaf Spot and Purple Seed Stain of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
108. Myrothecium Leaf Spot of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
109. Root Rot, Stem Rot and Foliage/Aerial Blight of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
110. Bacterial Pustule of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
111. Soybean Mosaic
G.K. Gupta
112. Yellow Mosaic of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
113. Indian Bud Blight of Soybean
G.K. Gupta
114. Whip Smut of Sugarcane
115. Red Rot of Sugarcane
V.C. Khilare
116. Downy Mildew of Sunflower
Srikant Kulkami and Yashoda R. Hegde
117. Early Blight of Tomato
V.L. Nene
118. Fusarium Crown and Root Rot of Tomato
y.L. Nene
119. Late Blight of Tomato
V.L. Nene
120. Sclerotium Stem Rot of Tomato
Y.L. Nene
121. Bacterial Spot of Tomato
122. Bacterial Wilt of Tomato
y.L. Nene
123. Tomato Mosaic
y.L. Nene
124. Root-knot of Tomato
y.L. Nene
125. Bacterial Wilt of Brinjal and Tomato
PA. Fugro and K.P. Vaidya
126. Altemaria Blight of Tomato
PA. Fugro and K.P. Vaidya
127. Flag Smut of Wheat
A.K. Sharma, J. Kumar atid M.S. Saharan
128. Powdery Mildew of Wheat
A.K. Sharma, J. Kumar and M.S. Saharan
129. Foliar Diseases of Wheat: Spot Blotch, Leaf Spots and Blights
A.K. Sharma, J. Kumar and M.S. Saharan
130. Head Scab/Head Blight of Wheat
M.S. Saharan, J. Kumar and A.K. Sharma
131. Hill Bunt of Wheat
A.K. Sharma, J. Kumar and M.S. Saharan
132. Kamal Bunt of Wheat
/. Kumar, A.K. Shanna and M.S. Saharan
133. Molya Disease of Wheat
A.K. Singh, A.K. Sharma and J. Kiunar
134. Ear Cockle Disease of Wheat
A.K. Singh, A.K. Sharma and J. Kumar
135. Loose Smut of Wheat
A.K. Shanna, J. Kumar and M.S. Saharan
136. Wheat Rusts: Stem (Black), Leaf (Brown), Stripe (Yellow)
A.K. Shantta, J. Kumar and M.S. Saharan


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