Lynch, Gary

Big brain/ the origins and future of human intelligence Gary Lynch, Richard Granger and Cheryl A Cotman - 1st ed. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - 259 p.

Big brains, bigger brains : Introduction ; Biggest brain ; Are bigger brains better? ; Brain and language ; Were Boskops smarter? ; Why haven't we all heard of Boskops? ; Outline of the book --
The mind in the machine : Learning network codes ; Brain circuits vs. computer circuits ; The brain of John Von Neumann --
Genes build brains : How much variation can occur? ; Blueprint systems ; Bundling genes ; Variation is random, but it is constrained --
Brains arrive : First brains ; Brain expansion --
The brains of mammals : Neurons and networks ; Learning --
From olfaction to cognition : From cortex to behavior ; Neocortex --
The thinking brain : Extending thinking over time ; The cortex takes charge --
The tools of thought : Feed back and hierarchies of cortical circuits --
Sequences ; What one brain area tells another brain area ; What's in an image? ; Putting it together: from generalists to specialists ; Memory construction ; Building high-level cognition ; Libraries and labyrinths ; Grammars of the brain --
From brain differences to individual differences : Brain paths ; Brain tracts and differential abilities ; Nature and nurture --
What's in a species? : Definitions ; Fallacies of the notion of race ; Races versus gene pools --
The origins of big brains : Brain size in the primates ; Brain size in the family of man ; Big babies ; On intelligence --
Giant brains : The man of the future ; How giant brains were forgotten ; Inside the giant brain ; Giant brains and intelligence --
All but human : On science ; Differences ; From quantity to quality ; From brain advances to cognitive advances ; From cognition to language ; Learning curve ; From speaking to writing --


Brain -- Evolution.

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