Engaging theories in interpersonal communication: multiple perspectives/ edited by Leslie A. Baxter & Dawn O. Braithaite - Los angles: Sage, 2008. - 423 p. PB

Chapter 1: Introduction: Meta-theory and Theory in Interpersonal
Communication Research
Dawn O. Braithwaite and Leslie A. Baxter
Chapter 2: Action Assembly Theory
John O. Greene
Chapter 3: Attribution Theory
Valerie Maniisov and Brian Spitzberg
Chapter 4: Constructivism Theory
Brant R. Biirleson and Jessica J. Rack
Chapter 5: Goals-Plans-Action Theory of Message Production
James Price Dillard
Chapter 6: Imagined Interaction Theory
James M. Honeyciitt
Chapter 7: Planning Theory of Communication
Charles R. Bcrgcr
Chapter 8: Relational Framing Theory
Denise Haunani Solomon and Rachel M. McLaren
Chapter 9: Uncertainty Management Theories
Walid A. Afifi and Masaki Matsunaga
Chapter'!0: Uncertainty RS^-^^^heory
Leanne K. Knobloch
Chapter 11: Action-Implicative Discourse Analysis Theory
Karen Tracy
Chapter 12; Communication Accommodation Theory
Howard Giles
Chapter 13: Conversation Analysis Theory
Jenny Mandelhanni
Chapter 14: Expectancy Violations Theory and
Interaction Adaptation Theory
Cindy H. White
Chapter 15: Face Theory
Sandra Metis and William R. Cupach
Chapter 16: Information Manipulation theory
Steven McCornack
Chapter 17: Interpersonal Deception Theory
Jndee K. Burgeon and David B. Btdler
Chapter 18: Narrative Theories
Jody Koenig Kellas
Chapter 19: Politeness Theory
[hiena j. Goldsmith
Chapter 20: Speech Codes Theory
Gerry Philipsen
Chapter 21: Affection Exchange Theory
Kory Floyd, Jefj Jiidd, and Colin Hesse
Chapter 22: Attachment Theory
Laura K. Guerrero
Chapter 23: (xnnmunication Privacy Management Theory
Sandra Petronio and Wesley T. Durham
Chapter 24: Critical Feminist Theories
Julia T Wood
Chapter 25: Relational Communication Theory ^ 335
L. Edna Rogers
Chapter 26: Relational Dialectics Theory
Leslie A. Baxter and Dawn O. Braithwaite
Chapter 27: Stage Theories of Relationship Development
Paul A. Mongeau and Mary Lynn Miller Henningsen
Chapter 28: Social Exchange Theories
Laura Stafford
Chapter 29: Social Information Processing Theory
Joseph B. Walther



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