Encyclopedia of research design/ edited by Neil J. Salkind. - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, c2010. - 3 v. (xxxi, 1719 p.): ill.; 29 cm. - Gale virtual reference library Online access with subscription: SAGE research methods (Core) .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

v. 1. A-G -- v. 2. H-P -- v. 3. Q-Z; index. Volume 1. Introduction -- Abstract-Causal -- Abstract -- Accuracy in Parameter Estimation -- Action Research -- Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials -- Alternative Hypotheses -- American Educational Research Association -- American Psychological Association Style -- American Statistical Association -- Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) -- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) -- Animal Research -- Applied Research -- A Priori Monte Carlo Simulation -- Aptitudes and Instructional Methods -- Aptitude-Treatment Interaction -- Assent -- Association, Measures of -- Autocorrelation -- Bar Chart -- Bartlett's Test -- Barycentric Discriminant Analysis -- Bayes's Theorem -- Behavior Analysis Design -- Behrens-Fisher tʹ Statistic -- Bernoulli Distribution -- Beta -- Bias -- Biased Estimator -- Bivariate Regression -- Block Design -- Bonferroni Procedure -- Bootstrapping -- Box-and-Whisker Plot -- b Parameter -- Canonical Correlation Analysis -- Case-Only Design -- Case Study -- Categorical Data Analysis -- Categorical Variable -- Causal-Comparative Design -- Cause and Effect -- Ceiling Effect -- Central Limit Theorem -- Central Tendency, Measures Of -- Change Scores -- Chi-Square Test -- Classical Test Theory -- Clinical Significance -- Clinical Trial -- Cluster Sampling -- Coefficient Alpha -- "Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests" -- Coefficient of Concordance -- Coefficient of Variation -- Coefficients of Correlation Alienation, and Determination -- Cohen's d Statistic -- Cohen's f Statistic -- Cohen's Kappa -- Cohort Design -- Collinearity -- Column Graph -- Completely Randomized Design -- Computerized Adaptive Testing -- Concomitant Variable -- Concurrent Validity -- Confidence Intervals -- Confirmatory Factor Analysis -- Confounding -- Congruence -- Construct Validity -- Content Analysis -- Content Validity -- Contrast Analysis -- Control Group -- Control Variables -- Convenience Sampling -- "Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix" -- Copula Functions -- Correction for Attenuation -- Correlation -- Correspondence Analysis -- Correspondence Principle -- Covariate -- Criterion Problem -- Criterion Validity -- Criterion Variable -- Critical Difference -- Critical Theory -- Critical Thinking -- Critical Value -- Crossover Design -- Cross-Sectional Design -- Cross-Validation -- Cumulative Frequency Distribution -- Databases -- Data Cleaning -- Data Mining -- Data Snooping -- Debriefing -- Decision Rule -- Declaration of Helsinki -- Degrees of Freedom -- Delphi Technique -- Demographics -- Dependent Variable -- Descriptive Discriminant Analysis -- Descriptive Statistics -- Dichotomous Variable -- Differential Item Functioning -- Directional Hypothesis -- Discourse Analysis -- Discriminant Analysis -- Discussion Section -- Dissertation -- Distribution -- Disturbance Terms -- Doctrine of Chances, The -- Double-Blind Procedure -- Dummy Coding -- Duncan's Multiple Range Test -- Dunnett's Test -- Ecological Validity -- Effect Coding -- Effect Size, Measures of -- Endogenous Variables -- Error -- Error Rates -- Estimation -- Eta-Squared -- Ethics in the Research Process -- Ethnography -- Evidence-Based Decision Making -- Exclusion Criteria -- Exogenous Variables -- Expected Value -- Experience Sampling Method -- Experimental Design -- Experimenter Expectancy Effect -- Exploratory Data Analysis -- Exploratory Factor Analysis -- Ex Post Facto Study -- External Validity -- Face Validity -- Factorial Design -- Factor Loadings -- False Positive -- Falsifiability -- Field Study -- File Drawer Problem -- Fisher's Least Significant Difference Test -- Fixed-Effects Models -- Focus Group -- Follow-Up -- Frequency Distribution -- Frequency Table -- Friedman Test -- F Test -- Gain Scores, Analysis of -- Game Theory -- Gauss-Markov Theorem -- Generalizability Theory -- General Linear Model -- Graphical Display of Data -- Greenhouse-Geisser Correction -- Grounded Theory -- Group-Sequential Designs in Clinical Trials -- Growth Curve -- Guessing Parameter -- Guttman Scaling.

Volume 2. Hawthorne Effect -- Heisenberg Effect -- Hierarchical Linear Modeling -- Histogram -- Holm's Sequential Bonferroni Procedure -- Homogeneity of Variance -- Homoscedasticity -- Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test -- Hypothesis -- Inclusion Criteria -- Independent Variable -- Inference: Deductive and Inductive -- Influence Statistics -- Influential Data Points -- Informed Consent -- Instrumentation -- Interaction -- Internal Consistency Reliability -- Internal Validity -- Internet-Based Research Method -- Interrater Reliability -- Interval Scale -- Intervention -- Interviewing -- Intraclass Correlation -- Item Analysis -- Item Response Theory -- Item-Test Correlation -- Jackknife -- John Henry Effect -- Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test -- KR-20 -- Krippendorff's Alpha -- Kruskal-Wallis Test -- Kurtosis -- L'Abbé Plot -- Laboratory Experiments -- Last Observation Carried Forward -- Latent Growth Modeling -- Latent Variable -- Latin Square Design -- Law of Large Numbers -- Least Squares, Methods of -- Levels of Measurement -- Likelihood Ratio Statistic -- Likert Scaling -- Line Graph -- Lisrel -- Literature Review -- Logic of Scientific Discovery, The -- Logistic Regression -- Loglinear Models -- Longitudinal Design -- Main Effects -- Mann-Whitney U Test -- Margin of Error -- Markov Chains -- Matching -- Matrix Algebra -- Mauchly Test -- Mbess -- McNemar's Test -- Mean -- Mean Comparisons -- Median -- Meta-Analysis -- "Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Outcome Studies" -- Methods Section -- Method Variance -- Missing Data, Imputation of -- Mixed- and Random-Effects Models -- Mixed Methods Design -- Mixed Model Design -- Mode -- Models -- Monte Carlo Simulation -- Mortality -- Multilevel Modeling -- Multiple Comparison Tests -- Multiple Regression -- Multiple Treatment Interference -- Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix -- Multivalued Treatment Effects -- Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) -- Multivariate Normal Distribution -- Narrative Research -- National Council on Measurement in Education -- Natural Experiments -- Naturalistic Inquiry -- Naturalistic Observation -- Nested Factor Design -- Network Analysis -- Newman-Keuls Test and Tukey Test -- Nominal Scale -- Nomograms -- Nonclassical Experimenter Effects -- Nondirectional Hypotheses -- Nonexperimental Designs -- Nonparametric Statistics -- Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences -- Nonprobability Sampling -- Nonsignificance -- Normal Distribution -- Normality Assumption -- Normalizing Data -- Nuisance Variable -- Null Hypothesis -- Nuremberg Code -- NVivo -- Observational Research -- Observations -- Occam's Razor -- Odds --Odds Ratio -- Ogive -- Omega Squared -- Omnibus Tests -- One-Tailed Test -- "On the Theory of Scales of Measurement" -- Order Effects -- Ordinal Scale -- Orthogonal Comparisons -- Outlier -- Overfitting -- Pairwise Comparisons -- Panel Design -- Paradigm -- Parallel Forms Reliability -- Parameters -- Parametric Statistics -- Partial Correlation -- Partial Eta-Squared -- Partially Randomized Preference Trial Design -- Participants -- Path Analysis -- Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient -- Percentile Rank -- Pie Chart -- Pilot Study -- Placebo -- Placebo Effect -- Planning Research -- Poisson Distribution -- Polychoric Correlation Coefficient -- Polynomials -- Pooled Variance -- Population -- Positivism -- Post Hoc Analysis -- Post Hoc Comparisons -- Power -- Power Analysis -- Pragmatic Study -- Precision -- Predictive Validity -- Predictor Variable -- Pre-Experimental Designs -- Pretest-Posttest Design -- Pretest Sensitization -- Primary Data Source -- Principal Components Analysis -- Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests -- Probability, Laws of -- Probability Sampling -- "Probable Error of a Mean, The" -- Propensity Score Analysis -- Proportional Sampling -- Proposal -- Prospective Study -- Protocol -- "Psychometric Experiments" -- Psychometrics -- Purpose Statement -- p Value.

Volume 3. Q-Response -- Q Methodology -- Q-Statistic -- Qualitative Research -- Quality Effects Model -- Quantitative Research -- Quasi-Experimental Design -- Quetelet's Index -- Quota Sampling -- R -- R2 -- Radial Plot -- Random Assignment -- Random-Effects Models -- Random Error -- Randomization Tests -- Randomized Block Design -- Random Sampling -- Random Selection -- Random Variable -- Range -- Rating -- Ratio Scale -- Raw Scores -- Reactive Arrangements -- Recruitment -- Regression Artifacts -- Regression Coefficient -- Regression Discontinuity -- Regression to the Mean -- Reliability -- Repeated Measures Design -- Replication -- Research -- Research Design Principles -- Research Hypothesis -- Research Question -- Residual Plot -- Residuals -- Response Bias -- Response Surface Design -- Restriction of Range -- Results Section -- Retrospective Study -- Robust -- Root Mean Square Error -- Rosenthal Effect -- Rubrics -- Sample -- Sample Size -- Sample Size Planning -- Sampling -- Sampling and Retention of Underrepresented Groups -- Sampling Distributions -- Sampling Error -- Sas -- Scatterplot -- Scheffé Test -- Scientific Method -- Secondary Data Source -- Selection -- Semipartial Correlation Coefficient -- Sensitivity -- Sensitivity Analysis -- Sequence Effects -- Sequential Analysis -- Sequential Design -- "Sequential Tests of Statistical Hypotheses" -- Serial Correlation -- Shrinkage -- Significance, Statistical -- Significance Level, Concept of -- Significance Level, Interpretation and Construction -- Sign Test -- Simple Main Effects -- Simpson's Paradox -- Single-Blind Study -- Single-Subject Design -- Social Desirability -- Software, Free -- Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formula -- Spearman Rank Order Correlation -- Specificity -- Sphericity -- Split-Half Reliability -- Split-Plot Factorial Design -- SPSS -- Standard Deviation -- Standard Error of Estimate -- Standard Error of Measurement -- Standard Error of the Mean -- Standardization -- Standardized Score -- Statistic -- Statistica -- Statistical Control -- Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences -- Stepwise Regression -- Stratified Sampling -- Structural Equation Modeling -- Student's t Test -- Sums of Squares -- Survey -- Survival Analysis -- Systat -- Systematic Error -- Systematic Sampling -- "Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes, A" -- Teoria Statistica Delle Classi e Calcolo Delle Probabilitá -- Test -- Test-Retest Reliability -- Theory -- Theory of Attitude Measurement -- Think-Aloud Methods -- Thought Experiments -- Threats to Validity -- Thurstone Scaling -- Time-Lag Study -- Time-Series Study -- Time Studies -- Treatment(s)* -- Trend Analysis -- Triangulation -- Trimmed Mean -- Triple-Blind Study -- True Experimental Design -- True Positive -- True Score -- Test, Independent Samples -- Test, One Sample -- Test, Paired Samples -- Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) -- Two-Tailed Test -- Type I Error -- Type II Error -- Type III Error -- Unbiased Estimator -- Unit of Analysis -- U-Shaped Curve -- "Validity" -- Validity of Measurement -- Validity of Research Conclusions -- Variability, Measure of -- Variable -- Variance -- Volunteer Bias -- Wave -- Weber-Fechner Law -- Weibull Distribution -- Weights -- Welch's t Test -- Wennberg Design -- White Noise -- Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test -- WinPepi -- Winsorize -- Within-Subjects Design -- Yates's Correction -- Yates's Notation -- Yoked Control Procedure -- Z Distribution -- Zelen's Randomized Consent Design -- Z Score -- Z Test.

9781412961271 1412961270

Social sciences--Statistical methods
Social sciences--Research--Methodology

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