Schmidt, Brien B.

Israel's beneficent dead: ancestor cult and necromancy in ancient Israelite religion and tradition/ Brien B. Schmidt - Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 1994. - xv,400p. ; 23cm.

Chapter 1. Mortuary Rites: A Descriptive Glossary .
Chapter 2. The Extra-biblical Textual Evidence from Syria-Palestine: The
Late Third to Early Second Millennia B.C.E. .
The Evidence from Ebla ..
. The Eblaite King List
. Offerings and Lamentations for the Dead Kings
. The Eblaite Version of the marzeah
. Eblaite Ancestral Gods and the Cult of the Dead
. Eblaite Rasap and the Cult of the Dead
The Evidence from Mari
The kispum Ritual..
The Royal kispum and the Offerings for the mdliku
The kispum Offered in the Royal Garden
The bit kispT and the bit Dagan
Dagan, Lord of pagru
The Parallel kispum and pagrd'um Rituals
The Cult of the Dead, Deified Itur-Mer
Chapter 3. The Extra-biblical Textual Evidence from Syria-Palestine: The
Mid to Late Second Millennium B.c.E.
The Evidence from Ugarit.
A kispum-Xike. Offertory Text.
The Dagan Stelae
The Deity 'Il'ib ..
The Duties of the Faithful Son
The Ugaritic Version of the marzeah .
The Ugaritic King List
The Ugaritic rp'um
The Related Ditdnu Name
The rp 'um as Gods .
The Dead rp'um and the Goddess Shapash
The Living rp'um .
The rp'um: Mythic Heroes and Earthly Warriors,
The Ugaritic mlk{m)
KTU 1.161: Funerary Liturgy or Coronation Litany?
The Compositional Setting
The Evidence from Nuzi and Emar.
The Evidence from Nuzi.
The Evidence from Emar.
Chapter 4. The Textual Evidence from the Hebrew Bible.
The Extra-biblical Textual Evidence from Syria-Palestine: The Early
to Mid First Millennium B.C.E..
The 'Canaanite' Origins of Israel's Belief in the Beneficent Dead..
The Preexilic Prophetic Literature .
Isaiah 8; 19-23 (ET 8:19-9:1)
Isaiah 19:3
Isaiah 28:7-22.
Isaiah 29:4
The Deuteronomic Legal Texts ..
Deuteronomy 14:1 .
Deuteronomy 18:11
Deuteronomy 26:14
The Deuteronomistic History
Samuel 28:3-25
Kings 21:6 and 23:24: The Late Mesopotamian Context for
Israel's Belief in the Beneficent Dead
Exilic and Post-exilic Prophetic Texts
Jeremiah 16:5.
Ezekiel 43:7,9
Isaiah 57:6
Isaiah 65:4
The Psalms..
Excursus: The Israelite Rephaim
Biblical texts


Ancestor worship -- Biblical teaching
Ancestor worship -- Middle East
Bible -- O.T -- Criticism, interpretation, etc

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