Santos, Daniel

Luminous essence: exploring the body consciousness/ Daniel Santos - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 2002. - 178p. ; 23cm.

Part One: The Luminous Cell of Pressure
Pressure and Gravity
Reflexiones: Cracking thd Patterns
Volition: The Incandescent Projector
Luminous Cells
The Body Knows
Pressure from Within
Falling Apart
Activating Volition
Part Two: The Four Motions
Use of the Eyes
Part Three: The Male-Female Agreement
Breaking the Agreement
The Pressure of Affection
Celestial Pivot
Watching the Agreement
Part Four: Luminous Bodies of Light
Reflexiones: The Path of a Healer
Eulogio the Healer
Sickness: A Crossroads
Seeing the Spirit
Neutral Zone
Luminous Body
Part Five: Trusting the Body
The Process
Reflexiones: My Growth Through Gravity
Thinking, Feeling, Being


Mind and body.
Mind and body therapies.
Spiritual healing.

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