Mahayana Buddhist meditation: theory & practice/ Edited by Minoru Kiyota - Delhi : MBP, 2009. - xv,312p. ; 24cm.

Buddhist Theories of Existents: The Systems of Two
Geshe Sopa
Samathavipaiyanayuganaddha: The Two Leading
Principles of Buddhist Meditation
Gadjin M. Nagao
"What Remains" in Sunyata: A Yogacara
Interpretation of Emptiness
Stefan Anacker
The Meditational Therapy of the Madhy dntavibh Qgabhd?
Yuichi Kajiyama
Later Madhyamikas on Epistemology and Meditation
Charlene McDermott
' Yogic Direct Awareness as Means of Valid Cognition
in Dharmaklrti and Rgyal-tshab
Francis H. Cook
Fa-tsang's Brief Commentary on the
PrajnQpQ ra mi tQ-hj-da ya-su tra
Leon Hurvitz
Fa-sheng's Observations on the Four Stations of
Minoru Kiyota
Buddhist Devotional Meditation: A Study of the


Buddhism mahāyāna - meditation - various studies.

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