Nevo, Amos

The nasiketa story/ Amos Nevo - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 2010. - xxiii,322p. ; 23cm.

Chapter 1: Uddalakas Anxiety.
Chapter 2: Candravati's Entrance into the Forest
Chapter 3t The Father and Son Meeting.
Chapter 4: Candravati's Marriage.
Chapter 5: Seeing Dharmaraja....
Chapter 6: Father and Son Dialogue
Chapter 7: Hell
Chapter 8: Forms of Sin
Chapter 9: The Destruction of Evil-souls
Chapter 10: The Beautifiil Story
Chapter 11: The Punishers.
Chapter 12: Kala and the Demons..
Chapter 13: The Forms of Dharma.
Chapter 14: Dharma Behaviour
Chapter 15: The Water Offering Ceremony of the Dead Person,
Chapter 16: The Dimensions of the Road.
Chapter 17: The Yama-Narada Dialogue.
Chapter 18: The Holy Examination of Dharma


Naciketa (Character)

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