
Your destiny & scientific hand analysis/ Yaschpanle - 2nd. ed. - Delhi : MBP, 2009. - 438p. : ill. ; 24cm.

Chapter One
How the Science of Hand Analysis Can Change
Your Life for the Better. A Word to Parents
Chapter Two
The Scientific Basis of Hand Analysis
Chapter Three
The History of the Science. How to Become an
Accomplished Hand Analyst
Chapter Four
The Map of the Hand. Signs and Marks of Scientific
Hand Analysis
Chapter Five
The Classification of the Hands
Chapter Six
The Study of the Thumb
Chapter Seven
Your Character and Vocational Aptitude as
Revealed by Your Fingers. The Nails Reveal
Health and Temperament
Chapter Eight
How to Calculate the Time for Future Events in
Hand Analysis. The Correct Way to Take
Handprints for Scientific Hand Analysis
Chapter Nine
The So-Callcil Life Line Reveals Yonr VifaTuy
Chapter Ten
The IJne af Mentality Shows Yonr Mental Aitinule
towards Life
Chapter Eleven
The Heart Line Reveals Accurately Your Capacity
for Emotional Response
Chapter Twelve
The Fate Line or IJne of Saturn Shows ) our
Rsvcholo^ical Attitude towards Work anil Material
Chapter Thirteen
The Sun Line or Line of Apollo Reflects Your
iMtent Potential for Fame, Distinction and Success
Chapter Fourteen
Health and Business Prospects as Revealed hy the
Line of Health or Mercury Line
Chapter Fifteen
The Minor Lines. The Girdle of Venus, Medical
Stigmata. Ring of Saturn. Mystic Cross, Line oj
Mars. Ring of Solomon. Line of Intuition. Via
l.ascivia. Quadrangle, and the Rascettes or
Bracelets. Why Every Husband Shoidd Know the
Significance of the Girdle of Venus on His Wife's
Chapter Sixteen
The Line of Affection is an Indicator of the Major
.Xlfairs of Your Heart
Chapter Seventeen
Scicmific Hand Ana/vM't. Ytmr Sexual Artiuulc and
.SV.v Poicmial
Chapter Eighteen
Luck and Good Fortune as Revealed by Scientific-
Hand Analysis
Chapter Nineteen
Remedial Measures in Scientific Hand Analysis
Chapter Twenty
The Modern Relevance and Promise of Scientific
Hand Analysis



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