TY - BOOK AU - Sarasvati, Chandrasekharendra AU - Fitzerald, K. Oren Michael ed. TI - Introduction to Hindu dharma: Jagadguru his holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal Sankaracharya of Kanchi, the 68th Acharya of Kamakoti Peetam SN - 9788120834798 U1 - 294.5 PY - 2010/// CY - Delhi PB - MBP KW - Hinduism - 20th century KW - Monasticism - India - 20th c N1 - Keligion in General Dharma Alone Protects Punya (Virtuous Action) ' The Purpose of Religion To Be a True Man Devotion Common to All Faiths The Unity of Religions Qualities of Religious Teachers The Vedic Religion: Introductory The Religion without a Name Distinctive Features of Sandtana Dharma (Eternal Code of Conduct) The Vedas, the Root of All The Vedas in their Original Form The Vedic Religion and Vama (Caste) Dharma What is Varna (Caste) Dharma} Divided by Work but Still of One Heart Why Only in This Country? The Conflict between Tradition and Modernity The Least Expected of Brahmins Preserving the Vedas: Why it Is a Lifetime Mission My Work The dstras (Scriptures) and Modern Life . The Cure for the Disease Called Modern Civilization Religion and Society Neither too much Ease nor too many Comforts Sdstra or Conscience? The Vedas The Basic Texts of Hinduism: Our Ignorance of Them Eternal Sound and Creation Western Vedic Research Sound and Meaning Yajna or Sacrifice What is Advaita (Non-dualism)? The Threefold Purpose oi Yajna (Sacrifice) To Discover the One Truth The Upanishads ' The (Basic Text for AH Vedantic Schools) ' ^ Veda and Vedanta: Axe They Opposed to One Another? Upanishadic Commentary on the Nature of the Self What do the Vedas Teach Us? Essence of Upanishadic Teaching (Science of Reasoning) Rational Way to Know God m ~ We Need All Types of Knowledge . Pwraway (Traditional Stories) Magnifying Glass of the Vedas (Two Great Epics) and (Traditional Stories) " The Epics and their Greatness . Why Differences among the Gods? (Scripture on Code of Conduct) Reahzing the Ideals of the Purdnas Freedom and Disciplin The Forty Samskaras (Actions that Purify) Samskdras (Actions that Purify) Paradise or the Path ofAtmajndna (Self-realization) l:: The Eight Quahties {Gunas) y] Gunas in Practical Life Samskdras Performed by Parents Why not AH Samskdras for AH? Brahmacarydsrama (Student-Bachelorhood) Upanayana (Leading a ChHd to the Guru) Quahties of a Brahmacdrin (Student-Bachelor) Naishtika Brahmacarya (Lifelong Student-Bachelorhood) and FamHy Life Domestic Life and Carnal Desire The Brahmin must Keep his Body Pure Gdyatri (Invocatory Prayer) and Sandhyavandana (DaHy Prayer) What About Women? The High Status of our Women Marriage For the Practice of Dharma Make Marriages Simple Gruhasth-dsrama (Householder Stage of Life) Gruhastha (Householder), Gruhint (Wife of the Householder) Can a New Brahmin Caste be Created? Aupdsana (Daily Rites with Sacrificial Fire) and Women Sacrifices Varna (Caste) Dharma for Universal Weil-Being Jdtis (Sub-divisions of Caste)—Why so many Differences? Innate Quality and Vocation by Birth Vocations according to Guna (Character and Natural IncUnation)—not in Practice A Wrong Notion about Brahmins The Eternal Religion The Fourth Varna {Sudras) has Its Own Advantages Removal of the Ego Cry "Grow"—Don't Cry "Perish" From Action to the Actionless State Outward Karma—^Inward Meditation How to Cultivate Character and Good Conduct What is the Meaning of Worldly Existence? Do We Need Rituals? The Starting Point of Yoga Dhamtas Common to All How to Control the Mind Guru-Bhakti( Devotion to the Guru) '. Ahimsd (Non-violence Truthfulness To Serve Others Is to Feel Blessed Towards Mental Purity Fault-finding Anger Are We Worthy of Being Angry? Love and Sorrow - Love The State and Religion True Secularism Responsibilities of the State in Elevating the People's Mind Limitations of the Role of the State in Matters of Religion Independent Body of Representatives of All Religions Religious Leaders Should Not Involve Themselves in PoHtics What the Government Gains by Nurturing Religion ER -