Krishnan, O. N.

In search of reality: a layman's journey through Indian philosophy/ O. N. Krishnan - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2004. - xxii,442p. : ill. ; 23cm.

Part I
1. Vedic Ideas
1. Polytheism in the Vedas
2. Vedic Scriptures
3. Sacrificial Rituals
4. Varna Theory
5. Vedic Philosophy
6. Ultimate Goal
Part II
2. Basic Ideas
1. Rta at the Command of the Imperishable
2. Supremacy of Brahman-Parable in the Ke)ia Upanisad
3. Divine Powers in the Universe and Individual Self
4. Supremacy of Prana and Prana as Prajnatma
5. The Five Vital Breaths
6. The Dual Principles and the One Brahman
7. Interdependency of Cosmic Universe and
Individual Self
8. Progressive Definition of Brahman
9. Theories on Self (Atman)
3. Theories on Origination of the Universe
1. Creation from Non-Being (Asat)
2. Creation by God
3. ^rzhm'dn-Parinmnavada
4. From Gunas Arise the Universe
4. Karma and Rebirth
1. Evolution of the Ideas in the Upanisads
2. What Constitute the Transmigrating Self?
3. Underlying Principle Turning the Universe
5. Theories on Brahman
1. Five Sheaths of Brahman (Taittinya Upanisad)
2. Seven Levels of Reality (Kalha Upanisad)
3. The Three States of Consciousness
4. Brahman of Four Quarters {Mnnduhya Upanisad)
5. The Four Selves of Brahman (Paingala Upanisad)
6. Comparison of the Ideas in Mandukya and Paingala
7. TheTwo Brahmans
8. The Radiant Supreme
9. Summary
6. Liberation (Life Eternal)
1. Ultimate Goal
2. Liberation in Philosophy
3. Liberation in the Upanisads
4. Identification with Reality
7. Moral Preparation for Spiritual Life
1. The Three Principal Virtues (B.U.)
2. Duties to be Performed (T.f/.)
3. Final Teachings to the Departing Students (T.U.)
4. Oneness of Self- (/iaand Kaivalya)
8. Path to Liberation(Life Eternal)
1. Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad
2. Chandogya Upanisad
3. KaUia Upanisad
4. Mundaka Upanisad
5. Maitrl Upanisad
6. Paiiigala Upanisad (chapters III 8c IV)
7. Subala Upanisad
8. Doctrine of Divine Grace
Part III
9. Early Buddhism
1. The Buddha
2. Buddhist Scriptures
3. The Four Noble Truths
4. Meditative Practices
5. Theory of Anatid (No-Self)
6. Theory of Kamma
7. Nibbdna
10. Abhidhamma
1. TheTheravada Abhidhamma
2. The Sarvastivada (Realist School)
3. Sautrantika
11. Prsyhaparamita
1. Revival of Anatman Teaching
2. Pr^haparamita Literatures
3. Perfection of Wisdom (Prajnd)
4. Emptiness {Siinyatd)
5. Knowledge of the Five Skandhas in Perfect Wisdom
6. Form is Emptiness and Emptiness itself is Form
7. Nirvana of No Fixed Abode
8. The Six Perfections (Pdramitds)
9. The Bodhisattva Ideal
12. Madhyamaka
1. Madhyamaka Literature
2. Emptiness of All Dharmas {DhcLrmsL- Nairdtmya)
3. Truly Empty Hence Unfathomable Existence
4. Eight-fold Negation
5. Dependent Origination is also the Middle-Path
6. Dialectic of Nagarjuna
7. Two-Fold Truth
8. Emptiness-Psychological Analysis
9. Sarnsara and Nirvana are Identical
13. Yogac^
1. Yogacara Literature
2. Yogacara Classification of Dharmas
3. Evolving of Consciousness (Vijhana-Parindma)
4. Three-nature (Trisvabhnva) Theory
5. Turning Around of the Basis (AsrayaPardvrtti)
6. Three-Knowledges / Three-Truths
7. Emptiness in Yogacara School
8. Representation-Only (Vijnaptmdtra)
9. Suchness
10. Cittamatra (Mind Only)/Vijnanavada
14. Selflessness of Buddhism Vs. Self of Upanisads
1. Self Vs. Selflessness
2. isvara Vs. Dependent Origination
15. Paths and Stages of Bodhisattva
1. Five Paths
2. Ten Stages of Bodhisattva
3. Bodhisattva Model and Seven Purifications in
4. How to Become a Buddha
Part IV
16. Gaudapadiya-Karika
1. Creation Theories Rejected
2. Parinama Theories Refuted
3. Mayamatra
4. Analysis of Maya
5. Proof of Unreality -Equality of Waking and
Dream States
6. No Objective Reference
7. Duality is Vibration of Consciousness
8. Atman is Like Space
9. Atman, The Non-Dual Self
10. Ajativada (Doctrine of Non-origination)
11. Gk's Philosophy Compared \vith Buddhism
12. Asparsa-Yoga
13. Ultimate Goal
Part V
17. Advaita of Sahkara
1. Maya
2. Ignorance and Transmigratory Existence
3. Ignorance (Avidya) and Maya
4. Maya And Sunyata
5. Maya-Sakti (Isvara)
6. Unreality of Transmigratory Existence
7. Badha (Sublation)
8. The Four States of Experience and the One
9. Atman (Brahman)-The Ultimate Reality
10. Ethics
Part VI
18. Ultimate Truth
1. A Brief Review of the Philosophies
2. Essencelessness / Emptiness
3. Praxis
4. Tathagatagarbha


Buddhist philosophy.
Hindu philosophy.
Buddhist philosophy

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