
Varāhamihira's Brḥat saṃhitā = Brḥatsaṃhitā/ Varahamihira, M. Ramakrishna Bhat - Delhi : M.B.Pub., 1982. - 561p. ; 25cm.

Description of Idols
Entering Forest
Installation of Images
Features of Cows
Characteristics of Dogs
Signs of Cocks
Characteristics of Tortoises
Signs of Goats
Characteristics of Horses
Signs of Elephants
Signs of Men
Signs of the five great men
Characteristics of Maidens
Omens from Slits of Garments
Signs of Chowries
'gns of Umbrellas
Praise of Women
Winning of Affection
Erotic Recipes
Preparation of perfumes
Union of Man and Woman
Signs of Couches and Seats
Examination of gems
Signs of Pearls
Signs of Rubies
-Signs of Emeralds
-Signs of Lamps
-Token of Tooth Sticks
-Omens through Birds and Beasts
The Circle of Quarters
•Cries of Birds and Beasts
-The Circle of Dogs
-The cries of Jackals
-Behaviour of Wild Animals
Intention of Cows
• Intention of Horses
Attitude of Elephants
Cries of Crows
-Further Omens
-Time of Fruition of Effects
Functions and Properties of
Functions and Properties of
Lunar Days
Table of Asterisms, Lunar Days and
Qiialities of tiic Karanas
Effects of Birth in the Asterisms
Division of the Zodiac
Planetary combinations at Marriage
Transits of Planets
Worship of the Stellar Deity


Hindu astrology -- Early works to 1800.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Sanskrit.
Hindu astrology.

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