Frawley, David

Tantric yoga and the wisdom goddesses: spiritual secrets of Ayurveda/ David Frawley - New Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2008. - 256p. : ill. ; 23cm.

I. Tantra Re-Examined
1. Traditional amd Modern Tantra
Modem Tantra and its Misconceptions; Tantra
and the New Age; Tantra and Sex; Tantra and
the Body; Tantra and the Reality of the World;
Tantra and Emotions; Tantra and the Use of
Intoxicants; Tantra and Crazy Gurus; Tantra
and the Worship of the Goddess; Tantra and
Kundalini; Tantra and Art; Tantra and Science;
Tfaditonal Hindu Tantra; For the Future
2. Tantric Paths
Right and Left-Handed Tantra; The Third or
Direct Path
3. Levels of Tantric Teaching
The Meaning of Shakti; Tantra, Mantra and
Yantra; Yantra and Mandala; Meditation
Forms; Worship and Yoga; External Methods:
Ritual; Internal Methods: Yoga Practices;
Direct Methods: Meditation; The Four Levels
of Speech
II. The Tantric Teaching
The Ten Wisdom Forms of the Goddess
Tlie Goddess as Knowledge; The Ten Wisdom
Forms of the Goddess; Origin of the Ten
Wisdom Goddesses
1. Kali: The Goddess of
Yogic Transformation
Kali and Time; Kali as Being; Kali as
Nirvana; Kali as the Element of Air; Kali as
the Power of Action; Kali as Beauty; Kali and
Shiva; Location in the Body; Meditation
Form; Mantra; Meditation Approaches;
2. Tara: The Saving Word
The Savioress; Tara as Om; Sound and Breath;
Tara as Knowledge; Tara as Speech; Tara and
Gauri; Ugra Tara/Nila Sarasvati;
Location in the Body; Meditation Form;
Mantra; Meditation Approaches
3. TVipura Sundari:
The Beauty of the Three Worlds
The Beauty of Pure Perception; The Goddess
of Vedantic Knowledge; Tfipura, The Three
Cities; Lalita, She Who Plays; Rajarajesvari;'
the Supreme Ruler of the Universe; Sundari as
a Young Girl; Sundari as Knowledge and
Consciousness; Soma and the Moon; Location
in the Body; Meditation Form; Mantra;
Meditation Approaches; Ramana Maharshi &
Anandamayi Ma
4. Bhuvaneshvari:
The Queen of the Universe
The Goddess as Space; The Goddess of the
Universe; Maya; As the Power of Love; As
Peace; As the Void; Location in the Body;
Meditation Form; Mantra; Meditation Ap
5. Bhairavi: The Warrior Goddess
Bhairavi as the Supreme Goddess of Speech;
Bhairavi as Tapas; Bhairavi as the Woman
Warrior; The Three Forms of Bhairavi;
Bhairavi and Rudra; Location in the Body;
Meditation Form; Mantra; Meditation
6. Chhinnamasta:
The Consciousness Beyond the Mind
The Image of the Severed Head: Going
Beyond the Mind; Prachanda Chandika;
Indrani; Lightning or Electrical Force; The
Power of Destruction; Chhinnamasta and
Kundalini; Location in the Body; Meditation
Form; Mantra; Meditation Approaches;
Ganapati Muni
7. Dhumavati: The Grandmother Spirit
The Grandmother Spirit; Primordial Darkness;
The Void; The Power of Suffering; Dhumavati
— Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses —
and Kali; Location in the Body; Meditation
Form; Mantra; Meditation Approaches
8. Bagalamuklii:
The Hypnotic Power of the Goddess
The Power of Silence; The Weapon of
Brahman; The Reversal of Opposites;
Location Within the Body; Meditation Form;
Mantra; Yogic Approaches: Bagalamukhi as
the Goddess of Yoga
9. Matangi:
The Utterance of the Divine Word
Matangi as the Spoken Word; Matangi and
Sarasvati; Matangi as the Guru; Matangi and
Ganesha; Matangi as the Outcast; Matangi
and Joy; Matangi as the Minister; Location in
the Body; Meditation Form; Mantra;
Meditation Approaches
10. Kainalatmika:
The Lotus Goddess of Delight
The Goddess of the Lotus; Kamala and
Sundari; Material and Spiritual Wealth;
Kamala, Lakshmi and Kali; The Last of the
Ten Wisdom Goddesses; Location in the
Body; Meditation Form; Mantra; Meditation
11. Relationships Between the Dasha Mahavidya
Beneficent and Terrible Forms; Kali, Tara and
III. The Practice of Tantric Yoga and Ayurveda
1. Tantric Yoga
The Science of Psycho-Physical Transformation
The Three Bodies; Primal Matter and the Self;
Brahman, the Absolute; The Five Sheaths and
the Seven Levels of Existence; The Seven
Chakras; The Nadis; Tlie Five Pranas in the
Subtle Body; Beyond the Astral Body
2. Opening the Chakras
Signs of Opened Chakras; Manifestations of
the Subtle Sense Organs; Misinterpretations of
the Chakras
3. Tantric and Ayurveda Science Prana, Tejas and Ojas:
The Spiritual Energies of Air, Fire and Water
I. Agni and Soma; The Key to Yogic
Processes; II. Prana, Tejas and Ojas; The
Spiritual Energies of Air, Fire and Water;
Mental Components of Speech (Vak) and
Breath (Prana); Examining Prana, Tejas and
Ojas; Tantric Deities for Prana, Tejas, and Ojas
4. Tantric and Ayurvedic Secrets
for the Practice of Yoga
General Regimen for Yoga Practice;
Ayurvedic Health Regimens; The Right
Attitude; Specific Regimen for the Practice of
5. How to Develop Tejas:
The Spiritual Energy of Fire
Tejas and Speech; Tejas and Will; Yogic
Practices; Herbs and Diet; Gems
6. How to Develop Prana:
The Spiritual Energy of Air
Yogic Practices; Herbs and Diet; Gems
7. How to Develop Ojas:
The Spiritual Energy of Water
Yogic Practices; Herbs and Diet; Gems:
Protecting Ojas
8. Integral Development of Prana,.
Tejas and Ojas
Integral Practice; The Solar Yoga;
Meditational and Kundalini Disorders; Drugs;
Additional Movements of Prana, Tejas and


Tantric yoga.
Goddess - tantric Hinduism.
Tantric Hinduism - yoga.

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