Prajnanaada, Paramahamsa

Jnana sankalini Tantra Paramahamsa Prajnanaada - New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2006. - 236 p.

PART I The Vedic Culture
The Science of Tantra
Definitions of Tantra ..
Misinterpretation through the Ages
Consciousness and Energy
Tantric Literature
Integration between the Vedas and Tantra
The Sacred Trilogy
Tantra as a Philosophy
The Seven Steps
The Triple Qualities of Nature
The Five Principles
Tables 1—4
Spiritual Significance of the Cremation Ground.
Shava Sadhana
• Munda Sadhana
Aghora Sadhana
Guru and Disciple
The Guru's Role
The Disciple's Role
Ishta Devata
Ishta Mantra
Kundalini and the Chakras
PART II Introduction
Jnana Sankalini Tantra


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