TY - BOOK TI - Islam: An historical introduction SN - 817822156 U1 - 297 PY - 2002/// CY - New Delhi PB - New Age Books N1 - 1 INTRODUCTION: THE CONCETT AND UNITY OF ISLAMIC HISTORY 2 EUROPE AND ISLAM: THE IIISTORY OF ISLAMIC STUDIES IN THE WEST 1. E;irly siiiJics ol' Ul.im in tin; cnntt'xt ol'rdiKimis w;ir 2. Fri'in confrnntniiiMi cn-uxistcncc L The Fcyinninn"- nl Ishiinii: siiulics 4. The rise nf Oriontiil phllnUitjy 5. 'Historicism' iiinl the opening up «>t the sources 6. • Islam as a field nf scholarship 7. Research in Islam in Eitst and West: encounter and conflict 1 ISLAM: RELIGION AND LEGAL SYSTEM 1. The Revelation 2. The development of relidot's doctrine a) Islamic history and the history' of Islam h) From civil wars to schism c) Between theoIoKV and tradition: tite devel«'pment of doBma d) Asceticism, mysticism and the religious orders L biw and jjovcmment a) The foundation of Islamic law h) Coveminent, lenislation and the administrarinn of justice c) The classical schools of law d) The state in the light of legal theory THE ISLAMIC WORLO SOCIETY AND ECONOMY 1. Arabia: landscape and histury at the beginning of Isbm 2. Bedouins and sedentary peoples 3. Agriculcunil economy, taxation and land tenure 4. Urban society and economy A REGIONAL VIEW OF ISLAMIC HISTORY 1. The Arabian peninsula 2. Syria and Palestine 3. Iraq 4. The West a) Spain b) North Africa 5. Egypt 6. Iran 7. Anatolia 8. The further lands of Islam PERIODS OF ISLAMIC HISTORY 1. Arabia before Islam (until c- 610 ad) 2. Muhammad: the mission of the Arah Prophet and the first Islamic state (c. 610-32) 3. TIk caliphate until the end of the Umayyads (632-750) a) The penoil of the "Orthixlox" caliphs (fll-Kds/iidun. 632-61): the emergence of the Arab state h) The caliphate of the Umayyads (661-750) 4. The caliph:ite of the "Abbasids and its successor states from 749 until the middle <»l the 11th century a) The first century of the 'Abbasids (749-847) b) The decline of the caliphate (9th-lOth centuries) c) The rise of local autonomous states and the success.>r states of the caliphal empire (c. H5CW. 1055) 5. Tile Seljuq period (c- I055-t. 1258) a) The Scljuqs (Iran and Iraq. 1 Ith-I2th centuries; in Anatolia until the 13ih century) h) Syria and Egypt under tlie Atabegs and Ayyubids; the Islamic confrontatum with the Crusiiders; the final phase of the 'Abbiisid caliphate (12tb-mid-13th centuries) c) Almoraeids aiul AlmobaJs in North Africa and Spain (1056-1269) 6. The Mon^l period from the corrquot of Baghdad by the Monfsols to the csiabltshmeni of the Ottoman empire in the Near East (] 258-1517} - a) The Mongi>l invasion artd the Mtmeol period in the Islamic east (15th-15th centuries) b)Thc Mamluks in Egspt aisd Syria (1250-1517) The emergence t>f the OtiiHnan empire c) The wtjst under ihe last Berber dyitaMics (mid-i 5ih~mid'16th centuries) 7. The Ottoman period (I6th-I8ih centuries) a) The Ottoman empire h) Nonh Africa c) Iran fr«>m the $.if.ivid period d) India iiruier the Mughal empervMS (1526-1858) 8. The emergence isf mititwtal states. WcstemLsation aitd reform (from the beginning of the 19th century) APPENniX: LANGUAGES. NAMES AND THE CALENDAR OF ISLAM 1. Language and script a) Arabic: the lartguage tif l&hm b) Tile other iangit'ten of islrm c) The Arabic script 2. Names .ir>d titles a) Islamic personal ntimes b) The titles ttf rulers ;md horMmTic titles 5. The Islamic calendar ER -