
Ayurvedic Astrology/ David Frawley - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 2016.

Part One: The Vedic Astrology of Healing
Chapter 1' The Vedic Vision
Chapter 2 ' Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga
Chapter 3 - Doshas and Planets:
Prime Factors of" Astrology and Ayurveda
Chapter 4 - Ayurvedic and Astrology Types
Chapter 5 - Disease Factors in Vedic Astrology
Chapter 6 - Vedic Astrology and Vedic Psychology
Chapter 7 ' The Chakras and Yogic Astrology
Part Two: Astrological Treatment Measures
Chapter 8 Outer Remedial Measures:
Herbs, Aromas and Colors
Chapter 9 - Vedic Gem Therapy
Chapter 10 ' Planetary Deities:
Communing with the Cosmic Powers
Chapter 11 - Planetary Mantras
Chapter 12 - The Vedic Hymn to the Nine Planets
Part Three: Example Charts
Chapter 13 - Example Charts


Hindu astrology.

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