Ravindra, Ravi

The spiritual roots of yoga; Royal path to freedom/ Ravi Ravindra - Delhi: New Age Book, 2010. - 179 p.

Religion and Yoga
Is Religion Psychotherapy?
Modernization, Westernization and Secularization in India
Can Consciousness Survive Birth?
Js the Everlasting Eternal?
Yoga in the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita
The Royal Yoga
Self-Consciousness in the Yoga Sutra: Need for an Intermediate Self
Teaching of Krishna, Master of Yoga
Dimensions of the Self: Buddhi in the Bhagavad Gita
Sacrifice and Order: Yoga, Rita, and Yajna
Ahimsa, Transformation, and Ecology
Yoga and Other Paths
The Yoga of the Cross
Uniqueness and Oneness in the Lion's Roar: Vedanta and the Sikh Yjga
The Mill and the Mill-Pond: The Silent Mind of a Yogi
GurdjieffWork and the Teaching of Krishna
Yoga off the Mat
Yoga in Daily Life


Spiritual life.
Spiritual Therapies.

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