Powell, Robert

Path without form: A journey into the realm beyond thought/ Robert Powell - Delhi: New Age Books, 1999. - 241 p.

Part One
1. Truth Seeker
2. The Primal Delusion
3. Freedom'from the Known
4. The Fragmentary and the Holistic
Approach towards Understanding
5. Where to Start in the Spiritual Life?
6. Roots
7. The Numbers Game
8. The Numbers Game (2)
9. On the Importance of Self-Esteem
10. "When Does Life Begin?"
11. Work Within tile System, or Without?
12. No More Violent Confrontations
13. Has Man a Future?
14. The Golden Rule
15. "The High l.Q.'s Shall Inherit the Earth"
16. Negative Imagination
17. Why Does God Allow Suffering?
18. The Pleasure Trap
19. Just One Little Thing
Part Two
20. Morality and Spirituality
21. Some Observations on Upanishads
and Early Greek Thought
22. Birthless and Deathless
23. Who Am I?—The Impossible Question
24. Clearing the Semantic Fog Around Our Self
25. From Thought to Insight:
An Unbridgeable Gap
26. The Razor-Edged Path
27. A New Approach to an Old Problem
28. Seeing Through Oneself
29. To Freeze or Not to Freeze,
That is the Question—Or is It?
30. The Discovery of Immortality
3.1. The Observer is the Observed
32. Eternity is Ever Now
33. Life, Death, and Reincarnation
34. Man, a Self-Determined and
Self-Conditioned Entity
35. The Ultimate Transcendence of
the Body-Mind System
36. Kjiow Your Beginning
37. About the Reality or Unreality of Reality
38. Advaita (Non-Duality) —
The Ultimate Teaching
39. ATurned-AroundLife
40. Questions and Answers
41. Probings

8178221357 9781884997211

Spiritual life.

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