Bnaerjiea, Akshaya Kuma Kaviraj Gopinath & Aiyar C P Ramaswami

Philosophy of gorakhnath: With gorksha-vacana-sangraha/ A K Banerjea Gopinath Kaviraj & C P Ramaswami Aiyar - New Delhi: Motilal, 1999. - 332 p.

Introduction:A yogi and a Philosopher.
1.Gorkhnath A maghayogi
2.Literary source of his philosophical views
3.Countents of siddha - siddhanta paddhati
4.Conception of the ultimate reality
5.Sat- cit ananda brahma
6.Para- samit with unique power
7.Siva and sakti in eternal union
8.Gradual unfoldment of sakti
9.Self manifestation of siva as cosmic purusha
10.Evolution of the cosmic body of siva
11. Evolution of a system of worlds in the cosmic body
12.The evolution of individual bodies in the cosmic body
13.The constitution of individual body
14.The esoteric aspects of body
15.The cosmos in the individual body
16.Individual souls
17.The supreme ideal of life
18.The evolution of hindu spritual culture (1)
19.The evolution of hindu spritual culture (2)


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