Arms control after Iraq: normative and operational challenges/ edited by Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu and Ramesh Thakur. - Tokyo : United Nations University Press, 2006. - x, 452 p. ; 24cm.

1 Managing the nuclear threat after Iraq: Is it time to replace the NPT paradigm? 1
Ramesh Thakur

Part I: Strategic doctrine, norms of non-proliferation and disarmament, and world order 21
2 The use of force in international politics: Four revolutions 23
Kalevi J. Holsti
3 From deterrence to compellence: Doctrinal implications of the Iraq crisis 40
Kennedy Graham
4 ``Do as I say, not as I do'': From nuclear non-proliferation to counter-proliferation 57
Rebecca Johnson

Part II: The centrality of the United Nations in non-proliferation and disarmament? 81
5 The Security Council's role in addressing WMD issues: Assessment and outlook 83
Tsutomu Kono
6 Dealing with WMD crises: The role of the United Nations in compliance politics 114
Harald Müller
7 Lessons of UNSCOM and UNMOVIC for WMD non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament 140
Trevor Findlay
8 Why we got it wrong: Attempting to unravel the truth of bioweapons in Iraq 160
Patricia Lewis

Part III: Proliferation challenges and international responses in North-east Asia 179
9 Nuclear threat reliance in East Asia 181
Wade L. Huntley
10 Non-proliferation after 9/11 and beyond: A Japanese perspective 200
Heigo Sato

Part IV: Proliferation challenges and international responses in the Middle East 221
11 From bomb to fuel! Iran and the question of weapons of mass destruction 223
Jalil Roshandel
12 Arab perspectives on the question of WMD proliferation in the Middle East 243
Mohammad El-Sayed Selim
13 An Egyptian perspective 256
Mohamed Shaker

Part V: The permanent five: Part of the problem or devising new solutions? 269
14 An American perspective: The US response to proliferation in weapons of mass destruction 271
Damon Coletta
15 UK perspectives on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and use by non-state actors 289
John Simpson
16 Nuclear non-proliferation after Iraq: A French perspective 305
Philippe Errera
17 Russia's perspectives on the world order and WMD proliferation 323
Andrei Zagorski
18 China's perspectives on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and related threats from non-state actors 337
Dingli Shen and Jiadong Zhang

Part VI: The other nuclear powers and the non-proliferation regime 351
19 Nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation and WMD proliferation: An Indian perspective 353
Gopalaswami Parthasarathy
20 Israel's updated perspective on WMD proliferation, arms control, disarmament and related threats from non-state actors 367
Shlomo Brom

Part VII: Broadening the scope of the non-proliferation regime 381
21 Nuclear threats from non-state actors 383
William C. Potter
22 Managing missiles after Iraq: Going off course 406
Christophe Carle and Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu
23 Conclusion: Managing nuclear threats after Iraq 422
Cyrus Samii
Index 441


Nuclear nonproliferation.
Non-proliferation nucleaire.
Arms control.

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