Governance reform under real-world conditions: citizens, stakeholders and voice/ edited by Sina Odugbemi and Thomas Jacobson. - Washington: The World Bank, 2008. - xxi, 525 pages : ill. ; 26cm.

Includes index.

1 Governance Reform under Real-World Conditions 1 --

Part I : Using Political Analysis to Guide Communication Strategies 13 --
2 Public Opinion, the Public Sphere, and Quality of Governance: An Exploration / Sina Odugbemi 15 --
3 Citizen Voice and the Public Sphere: Scoping Communication Challenges / Thomas Jacobson, Antonio G. Lambino II 39 --
4 Dialogues as Communication Strategy in Governance Reform / J.P. Singh 65 --
5 The Political Economy of Reform: Role of the Internal "Journalist" / Sumir Lal 75 --

Part II : Securing Political Will 93 --
6 Creating Space for Effective Political Engagement in Development / Matthew Andrews 95 --
7 Using Public Will to Secure Political Will / Lori Ann Post, Charles T. Salmon, Amber N.W. Raile 113 --
8 Organizing a Deliberative Participatory Process: What Does the Science Say? / Thomas Webler, Seth Tuler 125 --

Part III : Gaining the Support of Public Sector Middle Managers 161 --
9 Governance, Stakeholder Involvement, and New Communication Models / Stanley Deetz, Lisa Irvin 163 --
10 Public Sector Middle Managers: The Critical Link to Driving Public Sector Reforms / Peter Malinga 181 --
11 Working Appreciatively to Foster Cultures of Public Service / J. Kevin Barge 195 --

Part IV : Building Broad Coalitions of Pro-Change Influentials 207 --
12 Participation as Dialogue, Debate, and Negotiation: Entangled Promises and Practices / John Forester 209 --
13 A Consensus-Based, Stakeholder-Driven, and Decentralized Approach to Building Broad Coalitions for Water Sector Reforms / George O. Krhoda 219 --
14 Building Pro-Change Multisectoral Coalitions to Overcome the Resistance of Powerful Vested Interests / Robert de Quelen 233 --

Part V : Transforming Indifferent or Hostile Public Opinion 249 --
15 Journalistic Framing and Media Relations for Marginalized Groups / Karen S. Johnson-Cartee 251 --
16 Transforming Adverse Public Opinion into Support for Reforms / Rey Anthony G. David, Jr. 265 --
17 Six Big Ideas: ICT as a Vital Tool for Reform / Phil Noble 271 --

Part VI : Instigating Citizen Demand for Good Governance 275 --
18 Consulting the Public-Thoughtfully / James S. Fishkin 277 --
19 The Power of Organized Citizens: Fighting for Public Integrity / David Cohen 287 --
20 Cultivating Deliberative Development: Public Deliberation as a Means of Improving Local, State, and Federal Governance / John Gastil 303 --
21 Knowledge for Policy Making: Some Questions and Caveats / David E. Apter 317 --

Case Studies:
1 Participation, Transparency, and Consensus Building in Support of Public Sector Reform: The Case of Nicaragua / Michele Bruni 333 --
2 Communication, Coalition Building, and Development: Public Enterprise Reform in West Bengal and Orissa States, India / S.J. Masty 355 --
3 Slovakia: Public Opinion and Reform 391 --
4 Building Support for the Rule of Law in Georgia / Jose-Manuel Bassat 397 --
5 Tax Reform and Communication in Bulgaria: Getting It Right 413 --
6 Political Economy of Reforms: Learning from the Delhi Water Sector Experience / Avjeet Singh 419 --
7 Mobilizing Middle Managers While Keeping Opponents at Bay: Implementing the Philippine Procurement Law / Cecilia Cabanero-Verzosa 431 --
8 "We Didn't Know People Like Me Could Ask Questions Like This": A Dialogue in Bangladesh / David Prosser 449 --
9 Public Consultation through Deliberation in China: The First Chinese Deliberative Poll / James S. Fishkin, Baogang He, Alice Siu 461 --

Approaches and Techniques 479 --

14.1 EDSA II, the "Coup d'Text" 241 --
CS3.1 Communicating Difficult Reforms: Eight Lessons from Slovakia / Jeremy Rosner 395 --

2.1 The National Democratic Public Sphere 30 --
3.1 The Public Sphere as an Intermediary System 45 --
3.2 The Public Sphere: Inputs and Outputs 46 --
3.3 Three Phases of Political Analysis for Generating Communication Challenges 49 --
3.4 Comprehensive View of a Reform Initiative Arising from Political Analyses toward Generating Communication Challenges 60 --
4.1 Dysfunctional States and Societal Demands 71 --
4.2 Dysfunctional States with Dialogic Communication 72 --

6.1 Basic Ideas in the "Reform Space" Model 100 --
6.2 A Stylized Presentation of Varying Reform Conditions across Reform Stages 101 --
6.3 What Politicians Can Do to Facilitate Reform Space 105 --
6.4 Effective Political Engagement in Networks, Not Freestanding Individuals 107 --

8.1 Four Perspectives on Public Participation Process 141 --
8.2 Fairness in Perspectives A and B 143 --
8.3 Fairness in Perspectives C and D 144 --
8.4 Competence in Perspectives A and B 146 --
8.5 Competence in Perspectives C and D 146 --

12.1 Integrating Participation with Negotiation 212 --

13.1 Reasons for Water Sector Reforms in Kenya 223 --
13.2 Institutional Conflicts in the Water Sector (Under Cap. 372) 224 --
13.3 Bottlenecks in the Water Sector (Under Water Act Cap. 372) 224 --
13.4 Institutional Setup under the Water Act of 2002 225 --

14.1 Circle of Cross-Influence 244 --
14.2 Ownership in Building the Virtuous Cycle 245 --

20.1 How Public Deliberation Changes Participants 310 --

CS1.1 Information, Consultation, and Participation 334 --
CS1.2 The Consultation and Participation System: An Elaboration of the CONADES Chart 342 --
CS2.1 Effective Development Communications 378 --
CS7.1 Time Line 2004-06 434 --
CS7.2 Public Awareness of the Procurement Law: A Surprising Statistic? 435 --
CS7.3 Attitudes toward the Law 436 --
CS7.4 Support for Provisions of the Procurement Law 436 --
CS7.5 Attitudes toward Corruption in Government Contracts 437 --
CS7.6 Willingness to Take Action 438 --
CS7.7 Procurement Reform in the Philippines: Getting the Law Passed 439 --
CS8.1 Improved Quality of Discourse: Decrease in the Blame Game-Tracker Survey (Sanglap 1) 452 --
CS8.2 Political Discussion Programs on Air in Bangladesh, July 2005-October 2007 455 --
2.1 Examples of Communication Influence Requirements of Governance Projects 22 --
4.1 Possibilities for Voice and Governance in Monologic and Dialogic Communication 73 --

8.1 Ten Case Studies for Assessing Participants' Views of a Good Communicative Governance Decision-Making Process 134 --
8.2 Q Statements and Their Ranking for Each Perspective 135 --
8.3 Q Statements Related to Fairness 144 --
8.4a Q Statements Related to Competence 147 --
8.4b Q Statements Related to Who Should Participate 148 --
8.4c Q Statements Related to Outreach 148 --
8.4d Q Statements Related to Paying Participants 149 --
8.4e Q Statements Related to Shaping the Agenda 150 --
8.4f Q Statements Related to Listening and Speaking 151 --
8.4g Q Statements Related to Rules for Interaction 152 --
8.4h Q Statements Related to Influencing the Decision 153 --
8.4i Q Statements Related to Knowledge and Information 154 --
8.4j Q Statements Related to the Role of Science and Evidence 155 --

9.1 Strategic and Collaborative Communication 173 --

CS1.1 Nicaragua Strategic Communication Program Framework 340 --
CS2.1 Privatization, Stakeholders, and Issues 360 --
CS2.2 Time Line: Building Stakeholder Support, West Bengal 369 --
CS2.3 Communication Tools for Stakeholders 387 --
CS6.1 Concerns of Reform Opponents 422 --
CS6.2 Stakeholder Mapping: Who Wins, Who Loses 425 --
CS7.1 Stages of Behavior Change and Levels of Participation and Communication 444 --
CS9.1 Demographics of Sample 466 --
CS9.2 Policy Changes 467 --
CS9.3 Information Gains 468.


Public administration -- Case studies
Public Affairs & Administration.
Public administration.

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