Nethercott, Kate

Gender equality results in ADB projects: Indonesia country report/ Kate Nethercott, Ruly Marianti and Juliet Hunt - Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, c2010. - 57 p. : ill. ; 28cm.

[1] Regional synthesis of rapid gender assessments in Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam / Juliet Hunt, Kate Nethercott, Helen T. Thomas --
[2] Indonesia country report / Kate Nethercott, Ruly Marianti, Juliet Hunt --
[3] Mongolia country report / Helen T. Thomas, Juliet Hunt, Oyunbileg Baasanjav --
[4] Sri Lanka country report / Helen T. Thomas, Juliet Hunt --
[5] Viet Nam country report / Kate Nethercott, Tuyen Nguyen, Juliet Hunt.

Methodology and Scope
Fieldwork for the Indonesia Rapid Gender Assessment ^
Background on Indonesia

Community Empowerment for Rural Development
Project Description
Gender Analysis and Gender Action Plan Included in the Loan Design
Gender Action Plan Implementation
Gender Equality Results
Contribution of Gender Equality Results to Overall Loan Objectives and Outcomes
Factors Influencing the Achievement of Gender Equality Results

Decentralized Basic Education Project
Project Description
Gender Provisions Included in the Loan Design
Implementation of the Gender Provisions
Gender Equality Results'
Contribution of Gender Equality Results to Loan Outcomes, Effectiveness, and Sustainability
Factors Influencing the Achievement of Gender Equality Results

Sustainable Capacity Building for Decentralization
Project Description
Gender Analysis and Gender Action Plan in the Loan Design
Gender Action Plan Implementation
Progress toward Gender Equality Results
Contribution of Gender Equality Results to Overall Loan Objectives and Outcomes
Factors Influencing Gender Equality Results

Findings, Issues, and Conclusions
Summary of Gender Equality Results and Links to Loan Outcomes
The Quality and Effectiveness of Gender Action Plans and Gender Provisions
Institutionalization of Gender Action Plans and Gender Provisions in Loan Design,
Implementation, and Monitoring /
The Role of Local Gender Specialists
Other Contextual or Institutional Factors
Overarching Recommendations for Indonesia
Conclusions from All Four Countries

1 Gender Action Plan Elements, Gender Provisions, and Gender Equality Results
2 Decentralized Basic Education Project Data
3 Meetings Undertaken for Indonesia Rapid Gender Assessment-ll


Women's rights.
Equality -- Indonesia.
Sex discrimination against women -- Asia.

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