Mall, Linnart

Studies in the Atasahasrika Prajanaparamita and other essays/ Linnart Mall - Tartu: Linnart Mall, 2003. - 237 p.

1. Dharma.
1.1 Dharma In European Buddhist studies
! .2 Two meanings of the term dharma
1.3 Three operations with dharmas
2. Bodhisatlva
2.1 Bodhisattva and three vdrtoi
2.2 Bodhisaltva-Mahasattva
3. Prajhdpdramifd
3.1 Sirvdna
3.2 Prajhdpdramild
3.3 Sai'vajiiaid
3.4 Anullard samyaksambodhi .
3.5 Tathold
4. Text as a Teacher
4 I Terms denoting'shock'
4.2 Mdrakarma
Heart Sutra of Transcending Awareness
Dialogue in the BThe L.ight Path and the Dark Path ,
The Course of Translation
Buddhist Mytholog>
The Cultural Model of Tibet .
Once More about Yamanlaka
I. 00 and 0 as Text Generators and States of Mind
Semiotics as a Possibility for the Study of Religious Texts
Under Communist Dictatorship
The Concept of Humanistic Base texts
Linnart Mall's Contribution to Oriental and Buddhist
Studies m Estonia by Man l.aanemets
Notes and References-
Bibliographical Data
indexes by Teet ToOme .



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